Kick Vote Option Hero Mode FFA

Hello all.
I am from Romania.My status lag in game is 33-40.Fps 90-150.I don't use any illegal tool or lan trick like others do.
I play crossfire since to begining.
I am 90% hero mode player.Rest ffa,tdm,zm.
Last 2 days played hero mode,ffa maps.From all 20 rounds i get kicked at the end.New sergeants players start kick every player in game only because they get mutated,killed or gealouse because of score.
Kids from egypt and turkey abuse by this option and have fun by kicking players.

I have 4 suggestion:

1.Make unable kick for sergeants in uk4 server.
2.Restrict egyptians and turkeys to create no account for crossfire NA as others country's was.
3.Make option to disable or enable kick vote while creating a hero mode or ffa room.
4.Restrict sergeants ranks to play in uk4.

Even 1 of these suggestion is good to avoid players get kicked.

I know kick vote option is good when someone block an entrance,insulting,lagging or hacking so is not necessary to permanent remove this option,but you should improve this game for avoid people as me stop play.

Believe me i tried everything.I respect their relligion.I make them friends even if they was low ranks.I learn welcome words like Selamun Aleykum and Aleykum Selam and i am not musli.I'm not racist.I do my best to avoid get out...wiithout success:(

Its annoying to be kicked last round,minute 1 with score 320 kills in hero mode.How could i be proud of myself?

I hate to feel lossing.
Please think about my suggestions and make this game available and free 2 play for all.

Hope someone will do something to stop these kids who play only for kick good old players.

Sorry for my english.



  • I like the idea to disable and enable kick vote system while creating a room. If kick vote would be a choice it would be really great, less kicks.
  • kikać in my opinion should be only those players who use hooks - maybe it would wean their game wspomagaczach seen with the naked eye and who uses them. Kikanie fair for the players should be bans and account for the use of hooks ban forever
  • In 2011 i suggest to add kick option for hero mode ffa maps.Now i am sad because of my actions!And worst,i am banned for 30 days and 700 hours because i insult gm and said the ugly truth about egyptians and turks :l .Grrrrr...
    See what is the main problem?
    You banned good players and keep dogs to enjoy in peace,kicking,hacking,glitching,using lan trick and more.Egyptians and Turks learn every sh1t to destroy this game and they still enjoy+have fun in this game.Worst and worst.
    What should i say!
    Another opinion:you can make kick vote for sale with gp or zp.100 000 gp for 1 kick vote or 1000 zp for 1 kcik vote.
  • 1.Make unable kick for sergeants in uk4 server.
    2.Restrict egyptians and turkeys to create no account for crossfire NA as others country's was.
    3.Make option to disable or enable kick vote while creating a hero mode or ffa room.
    4.Restrict sergeants ranks to play in uk4.

    1. If it is like this only on selected servers (uk4, delta), it could be a good thing. Though, I think you meant staff sergeants. Sergeants can't access these servers to begin with.

    2. Younger players are quite similar everywhere. In most cases I'm getting kicked by Romanian players just the same as by Egyptian/Turkish ones.

    3. +1

    4. If you meant staff sergeants, then I agree.
  • I agree with giving you an option to enable/disable the kick system.
  • I would like to see this enable/disable kick system in all modes. Still not a good option because this game always have a wave of cheaters.. but let's not forget the ban wave :)
  • Yes i mean Staff Sergeant and even Second Lieutenant.Sorry.My bad.
    Man,about Romanians:we are rare species in this game.Me and 10 more who's left play hm.Others play s&d.Romania was restricted making new accounts on NA.So we are high ranks all and old people with brain.We don't kick without a good reason(insult,hack,block,lag)
    All know everywhere:turks and egyptians are the most kickers in the world.I tested this on me.
    Egyptians press F11 for Egyptians.
    Romanians press F12 for Romanians.
    See the difference.We don't have 2 faces.
    +If more agreed with me maybe they will do something for our fun.
    1 of that opinion is welcome.2 is heaven.3 awesome.4 extasy.5 happiness.

    My ign is VIORELDB
    Shame for all who kicked me without reason.:(
  • +1

    I Stopped play HM and HMX because when i mutated any noop he kick me!!
    I hope to solve this problem
  • I tried play crossfire europe and the same thing.I get kicked because i have low rank and noobs don't believe me i play hm and mm from begining.
    LOL i will change my name.Maybe they hate me because of my name.Or i have old enemy.This is crap!
  • Read This!

    To have a choice to enable/disable kick voting would be good but in crossfire eu there are too many hackers so , it is needed in crossfire na I haven't seen a hacker till yet because the hacker detecter is much stronger than cf eu¬s

    there shouldn't be a kick voting for FFA because most of the time you as the ace 1st get kicked because you pi** other of with your combos eg. knife FFA

    (happens to me often)
  • +1

    I Stopped play HM and HMX because when i mutated any noop he kick me!!
    I hope to solve this problem
    I never played HMX or HM, cuz it suxs.
  • Better
    SaDeplex wrote: »
    To have a choice to enable/disable kick voting would be good but in crossfire eu there are too many hackers so , it is needed in crossfire na I haven't seen a hacker till yet because the hacker detecter is much stronger than cf eu¬s

    there shouldn't be a kick voting for FFA because most of the time you as the ace 1st get kicked because you pi** other of with your combos eg. knife FFA

    (happens to me often)

    Better i play with hackers in the room and at final i won exp than kicked everytime by the noobs sergeants.
  • Either the room host should have the option to disable voting when he creates a room


    Make voting as a item shop item: 5000 - 10000 GP/use since the system is abused and I can't see any obvious cheater.

    (How come people never hate eachother or vote others in CSO/CSNZ? Maybe you should take a look at that,Crossfire.)
  • +100000

    I'm 100% with you bro... I recently posted so many threads about this but I never got a MOD to answer me so I sended a ticket and I'm waiting for the answer.

    I live that dilema every single day. I'm mostly a HMX player and yes we get kicked for mutating them, killing them, not giving VIP gun's and in the end they always kick the first.

    I like alot your 3. solution about the enable/disable the kick vote system.

    About the payment for a kick, it should be GP and not such a high value. Should be like 100,150 GP dunno... And like I said multiple times, it should exist a team who could control the kicks and punish everyone who kicks without any reason.

    Anyway, I'm with you...
  • ChumY wrote: »
    I never played HMX or HM, cuz it suxs.

    NOOO, you suck! :c I like it pff xD
  • rengiiTo wrote: »
    NOOO, you suck! :c I like it pff xD
    Haha, we all got different opinions ;)
  • Bump!Bump!Bump!Bump!Bump!
