VIP guns not working properly?
Yesterday while playing i had noticed when i use my m4a1-iron beast, that something was not quite right with the amount of damage i was getting, so i tested it, and logged onto two accounts on my computers, i stood my other accounts character completely still on the headshot mode on the stadium tdm map, and of course i shot that person with my vip gun on my main account, and i got several wonky numbers, some as low as 17, it being headshot only mode, it is obvious that i am not hitting them in the neck or lower, only the head, and 17 damage for a headshot on a character without a helmet, while not moving is not acceptable, also it is apparent to me that the recoil of the gun has gotten kind of "fake" as i can be standing completely still and i will shoot a wall with bursts of 2-3 and i will see a bullet fly about 10 feet to a random direction of my crosshair for no apparent reason, and it only happens every once in a while, but enough to be brought up. Lastly, the wall bang of my specific iron beast m4, doesnt seem to be working all the time, as i stood my other account behind a wall and shot that wall with 1 taps to see the damage i was getting, and this is where it gets weird, i will see blood and no damage, or very little damage, say about 21 damage for an upper chest shot, it being a 3-4 shot kill gun, 21 damage is VERY LOW for a vip iron beast, when i first bought it i would get a minimum of 30 damage, but now it is averaging about 20-28, Is anyone else experiencing these kinds of problems? Because i cant even tap at this point knowing my gun will not always get that 1 shot headshot thats so satisfying to get, 17 damage was the lowest i got while testing in the headshot only mode, once again, my other account character had no helmet on, and even if i did have a helmet, it would be somewhere along the lines of 80-99 damage, not 17... any help or explanation to this would be greatly appreciated! because vip guns are not cheap and i expect mine to work properly after spending 100$ on it. I bought it quite some time ago right around when the obsidian beast came out, and it worked fine and dandy, but now, its just like a regular m4 that doesnt shoot straight when tapping anymore. Whats the dealio here?
I agree they were completely over powered and that was the point of it, you were paying 100+$$ for basically the best gun in the game, im just curious as to the drastic issue, even regular guns likes like the plain m4a1 will do 80-99 damage for a headshot if a person had a helmet on, but for my iron beast to do 17 while both people are still and its aimed the most accurate way you can right in the middle of the face basically, something is wrong with that, smgs and pistols do more damage than that to the head, is this just a problem with the game thats in need of fixing? i know its not lag on my end or fps issue or a mouse issue, i have a fairly decent rig that runs 200+ fps solidly and my ping used to be 30 before the server problems that z8 has yet to fix, now its about 60 , so i know its not some glitch of a frame or anything silly, just pure broken mechanic, especially since it was headshot mode so i know its not a neck shot, i hope someone has some idea to whats going on, if this is a vip gun nerf, i dont see how they can take a 100 damage headshot all the time to a 50/50 chance, sure, nerf its spraying capability, but for those that dont spray like me, taking away a tapping ability that i payed $100 for, just isnt right, i dont rely on my vip gun, i main the m4a1 custom as its my favorite, but it is nice to have that wallbang against more serious crate collectors who use patriots and barrets with their advantage i should be able to counter them with mine, but not now, seriously though any ideas anyone? has anyone else had this same issue?
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