New option of UI icons

Hi all! Atm we have 3 options for ig icons:

-option 1: Player names are visible and A and B location are visible. Bomb has its own icon if its dropped
-option 2: Same like option 1 but with distance in meters is available as well
-option 3: All icons are off and you have to point the players to see their names

In my opinion "option 1" is very informative and I find it very useful to see the names of the teammates without pointing the hud on them. But the big inconvenience for me is this
I mean everyone knows where A and B locations are. And the bomb icon is not so important as well. In most of the cases these icons are hindrance and are not helping at all. I really think we need

-option 4: Only teammates names are available and all other icons are off.

I have basic programming knowledge and I am sure its very simple to be implemented in game. I really hope some GM will pay attention to this suggestion.
PS: I know my english is poor but I hope you got my point :)


  • Might be useful, but I think the solution we have now is sufficient for most people. And I don't think the devs would ever bother about this...

    best regards,
  • Urkel you're right. But still I think this is very, very little step in the right direction. And still it will improve the game a bit. I mean why is this sub-forum "suggestions" existing. I think it will be cool if they show they care and have interest in our opinion. Otherwise why would people waste their time to post in this forum?
  • I get your point, but I'm not really sure if I agree with u.
  • ChumY wrote: »
    I get your point, but I'm not really sure if I agree with u.
    Justify your opinion. Reasons? You can not just say "I don't agree"
  • Yeah I've mentioned this before, because the bomb sites really get in the way of my aim so I play with them off but i like to know who is where. This'll never get implemented though, or at least not for a few years, because if CF makes any UI changes anytime soon it'll be to the Chinese version, and we won't get it till way later.
  • mrBRAN wrote: »
    Urkel you're right. But still I think this is very, very little step in the right direction. And still it will improve the game a bit. I mean why is this sub-forum "suggestions" existing. I think it will be cool if they show they care and have interest in our opinion. Otherwise why would people waste their time to post in this forum?

    I didn't mean that suggestions made here will never be passed on from Z8games to the developers at Smilegate. There are indeed some weapon suggestions made in this forum that were realized by the devs, one example being the DSR-1.
    However, I think that changes to the UI or HUD of CF have quite a low priority in general right now, especially when CF 2.0 is underway.
    Maybe they will add such a function when they have the new engine running, but I think that right now, they will not bother adding rather tiny new functions that will become obsolete once CF 2.0 has become the standard in all CF versions.

    best regards,
  • mrBRAN wrote: »
    Justify your opinion. Reasons? You can not just say "I don't agree"
    I said I'm not sure, but it's to much. It will be messy.