Can't join NA server

I'm posting this on my old account because for some reason my ID/password is not working on this forum anymore even though I logged in yesterday night -_-.

Basically this morning I log onto CF and enter the NA server and join a channel. I AFK for less than 15 mins to go do something and I come back to see the message "Disconnected from server", alright no biggie. But I try to log back on and I've been blocked for 2 mins and so I wait it out. I finally log back on when trying to join the NA server, it gets stuck on STEP2 and eventually a message pops up saying "MM server connection failed" and freezes my CF so I have to close it using task manager. This time, I decide to do a little test and find out that every server loads properly except for NA, the server which kicked me out while I was idle for 15 mins...

Any help? Restarting solved nothing.

EDIT: Some of you might suggest that I play on the UK servers but the thing is, it's basically unplayable with 150+ ping and it feels so clunky and not worth playing on at all.
