New 100 Coupon Item



  • nGhost wrote: »
    Its like z8 doesnt realise people are less willing to spend monney on BM if they only get 30/90 day useless weapons from coupons. Always when i was close to a perm coupon item i just bought some zp to get it. Now u get nothing... and cmon, a winchester at 100 coupons? what a joke.
    Back in the day if u wasted 70 euro on BM atleast u where sure to get a nice ak silver or m4 silver from BP and maybe a nice perm and usefull coupon weapon.
    People always thought "oh i just need a little bit more BP" or " i just need a few more coupons" and so they bought zp. Now its not worth it.
    Z8 is lowering the standards and i dont understand why.

    Your words are true, Just we hope that up to developers our dissatisfaction of lowering the standards.
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4189761']So you really were serious?Lol, just lol.
    ChumY wrote: »
    My reaction too.

    Definitely not , I taunted them
    They Like Replace prem weapons with temb
  • Fujitsu wrote: »
    Definitely not , I taunted them
    They Like Replace prem weapons with temb
    Yea nobody likes temp guns.
  • badsack1 wrote: »
    a perm m249 at 100! pllllleeeeaaaase

    hello no rofl..
  • as you can see, everything revolves only around zp, no one probably did not even read our suggestions, since the lack of any response from the administrators. Proposes to buy zp stop until there is new golden weapons available coupons may fall as sales zp it is modified
  • bobry wrote: »
    as you can see, everything revolves only around zp, no one probably did not even read our suggestions, since the lack of any response from the administrators. Proposes to buy zp stop until there is new golden weapons available coupons may fall as sales zp it is modified

    i stopped spin zp crates until add new golden weapons in coupon exchange slots.
  • nGhost wrote: »
    Its like z8 doesnt realise people are less willing to spend monney on BM if they only get 30/90 day useless weapons from coupons. Always when i was close to a perm coupon item i just bought some zp to get it. Now u get nothing... and cmon, a winchester at 100 coupons? what a joke.
    Back in the day if u wasted 70 euro on BM atleast u where sure to get a nice ak silver or m4 silver from BP and maybe a nice perm and usefull coupon weapon.
    People always thought "oh i just need a little bit more BP" or " i just need a few more coupons" and so they bought zp. Now its not worth it.
    Z8 is lowering the standards and i dont understand why.

    It's not Z8games who lower standards. Z8games is just holding a license to run CF in certain regions of the world, among them the UK and NA. The content of the game is ultimately ruled however, by the developers of CF, Smilegate of Korea. According to now-retired GM Saidin, they always were against the BP system (CF UK/NA was the only CF version to have such a system) and also didn't like our coupon system as it once gave permanent rewards from 50 coupons onwards. While Saidin was successfull at keeping these benefits for a long time (just like he was successfull in keeping the Barrett M82A1 out of our version), Smilegate eventually forced Z8games to adjust the game according to their wishes.

    Even though I can understand your dissatisfaction, you should be aware that the guys at Smilegate are professionals and do their calculations carefully before applying changes to the game. For every person like you who threatens to stop buying in-game currency, there are 10 players who won't care about the changes and buy ZP nonetheless.
    If this version of the game goes down, I'm pretty sure it will not be because of people who stop buying ZP.

    best regards,
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Even though I can understand your dissatisfaction, you should be aware that the guys at Smilegate are professionals and do their calculations carefully before applying changes to the game. For every person like you who threatens to stop buying in-game currency, there are 10 players who won't care about the changes and buy ZP nonetheless.
    If this version of the game goes down, I'm pretty sure it will not be because of people who stop buying ZP.

    best regards,

    Such "professionals" giving dissatisfaction to players, coupled with narrow-sighted idiocy among players.

    I seriously bet this game will go down if they don't earn enough profit.
  • I seriously bet this game will go down if they don't earn enough profit.

    This game would never go down
    CF NA The second largest version after the Chinese version, 3 full servers Daily and Purchase zp rates Decreased compared to the past But did not reach the specter of bankruptcy
  • Fujitsu wrote: »
    I Suggest add New Awesome Coupon Exchange Item In 100 coupon slot

    VSK-94 Digital Camo Sniper Rifle(150 Day)
    M1858 New Army Pistol(150 Day)
    VHS Assault Rifle (150 Day)

    Note: These weapons are currently available in 80 coupon exchange but 90 day
    -1...u know the reason....!!! we need perm wep....
  • Such "professionals" giving dissatisfaction to players, coupled with narrow-sighted idiocy among players.

    I seriously bet this game will go down if they don't earn enough profit.

    Let's talk about your choice of words first:

    If you refer to me by using the word "idiocy": that's quite the wrong word. Educated people would rather call it "understanding of business mechanics". But judging from what you've posted here before, I clearly can't expect your little mind to be capable of grasping such complex relationships.
    Long story short: you might want to consult a dictionary the next time you attempt to create a useful post on this forum. Or shoot yourself out of frustration. I guess even you can work out what I would recommend to you.

    Of course this game would go down if they don't make enough profit. You are absolutely right with that. But it doesn't take a genius - which you clearly aren't - for such an insight. Every business closes if the expenditures exceed the income.

    You are wrong, however, with your assumption that the changes made to this CF version will cause such a profit loss. As has been said before: Nobody cares if you are dissatisfied by the changes made to this game version. There are more than enough people who do not care about what you dislike and who will buy ZP nonetheless.

    best regards,
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Let's talk about your choice of words first:

    If you refer to me by using the word "idiocy": that's quite the wrong word. Educated people would rather call it "understanding of business mechanics". But judging from what you've posted here before, I clearly can't expect your little mind to be capable of grasping such complex relationships.
    Long story short: you might want to consult a dictionary the next time you attempt to create a useful post on this forum. Or shoot yourself out of frustration. I guess even you can work out what I would recommend to you.

    best regards,

    Yes. The word is a bit strong and I could have put into a more civil way but it is not generally referred to you. The word is meant for those people who avoid the problems of these changes in Crossfire. If people overlook these business mechanics and do not voice their dissatisfaction, then I do not know what Smilegate might impose in the future.

    I have never assumed about the profit loss. Of course profit is the primary objective for almost every company and if these changes made Smilgate to increase profit, then that is perfectly fine, but player's satisfaction is also important as well. It seems that these changes (especially coupons) may have worked in compensation to player's satisfaction to gain profit (I may be wrong) but if Smilegate takes this too far on this business model and people do not voice their concerns, then the game can turn undesirably bad in the future.

    These changes have no effect on me since I do not purchase ZP and I also personally do not care what Smilegate will do on the future but I am just a bit concerned where they are leading to.
  • A$AP change the coupon exchange thing.... Add back some of the golden guns cuh.....
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Of course this game would go down if they don't make enough profit.

    At first : In the past we was bought zp crates to collect coupons and exchange it with prem useful guns and They was got big dividends

    Now : Nothing motivates us to buy zp. coupon exchange slots now became temb only 100 coupon have such weapons wincheser and anaconda and chance won prem weapon from crates became very hard.

    They used to think that when they remove the permanent weapons of the coupon section we will try get it from zp crates But the results were the opposite of what they think!!

    add prem weapons in coupon exchange slots Is the only way to increase profits
  • At first : In the past we was bought zp crates to collect coupons and exchange it with prem useful guns and They was got big dividends

    Now : Nothing motivates us to buy zp. coupon exchange slots now became temb only 100 coupon have such weapons wincheser and anaconda and chance won prem weapon from crates became very hard.

    They used to think that when they remove the permanent weapons of the coupon section we will try get it from zp crates But the results were the opposite of what they think!!

    add prem weapons in coupon exchange slots Is the only way to increase profits
    Maybe not the only way, but yes it's one way for sure.