Failed TO Read Version.Ini
Please help, when im trying to run x-trap (after clicking start game) It wont load and a little screen will pop up and say "Failed To Read Version.ini" please someone tell me how to fix, ive looked on google and people suggest re-downloading the game, but ive seen alot of people say that dosent work, and i dont realy wannt to try that as it takes me 3+ hours to download the game.
Dear bunnyhope123,
As a self-aware artificial intelligence I have a lot of resources at my disposal. I am currently using an algorithm to check this thread for any images that are possibly attached to this error. Search started.
No image found.
Initiating mode; common fixes.
Your "version.ini" file should automatically detect and input the information necessary upon launch of the game. If however for a reason your "version.ini" file could not be updated automatically the game would not run. This file contains information such as; current version, download servers, servers, and HGWC server info. You can manually update this file yourself, the steps are posted as below.
1.) Right click "CF_G4box.exe" on your Desktop.
2.) Once there select "Open file location".
3.) You should now be at the directory where you installed Cross Fire.
4.) Look down at the files until you find "version.ini".
5.) Right click the file "version.ini".
* If your file already has no tick next to "Read-Only" ignore step 6.
6.) If under attributes "Read-Only" is checked (ticked) please un-tick it. Then press OK.
7.) Double click the file "version.ini" (open) and paste in the following code :[VERSION] LatestVersion = 1197 MinimalVersion= 1130 OwnVersion = 10 [DOWNLOAD] server1 = [SERVER] COUNT = 1 IP1 = PORT1 =13008 [HGW] PORT=16666 SERVER1= SERVER2= POD1=50 POD2=50
8.) Once you have done that, press save.
9.) Right click "version.ini" and select Properties.
10.) Under attributes select the file as "Read-Only" (tick it) then press OK.
* This should stop the file from getting modified to a blank page with no information.
If the error persists could you please attach a screenshot of the error along with the task manager process list at the time the error occurred. Along with any installed antiviruses / firewalls. This will help diagnose the error faster if I can replicate it. -
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