4EVERus LF>3

A pretty amazing player named: SERAPH1C taught me a lot about Crossfire which I will always be thankful about . We don't play esl yet. We want to play in the future tho but not for now. We're pretty active and we are actually willing to listen if someone wanna lead ''without raging/btching 24/7''.

Our current team was just not working out, players weren't active, no motivation towards improving as a team, raging 24/7/btching which was putting the team down.

we communicate a lot .
we have some what of a decent shot.
we know the basics.
we love learning new things.
we're really chill.
we don't rage.
we don't have egos.
we love going over strats if others like it ofc.

what we looking for :
Just be active,loyal,don't rage,communicate,be online during weekends for SPL and we're good.

Current Roster :
KALASHNium - rifle/awm
4EVERfast - rifle

skype : sp.league1
xfire : semiproleague
IGN : 4EVERfast
