Receiving "Incorrect Nickname" Upon Character Creation
I currently just created an account and tried to log into the game after downloading.
I was prompted to create a valid nickname and I chose one that I preferred and checked to
see if it was valid or not, it was. However, upon clicking "ok" I was met with an error
message stating "Incorrect Nickname". I tested this with many other potential names and
was met with the same statement. Any help or answers would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Sorry, You can close this thread. It turns out that the client was glitching and I reopened the game and
my name was registered.
I currently just created an account and tried to log into the game after downloading.
I was prompted to create a valid nickname and I chose one that I preferred and checked to
see if it was valid or not, it was. However, upon clicking "ok" I was met with an error
message stating "Incorrect Nickname". I tested this with many other potential names and
was met with the same statement. Any help or answers would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Sorry, You can close this thread. It turns out that the client was glitching and I reopened the game and
my name was registered.
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