4EVERus recruitment thread


•Be Active. [everyday around 5or6 pm to 24:00EST If possible]
•Have Mumble. [http://www.mumble.com/]
•Have a Microphone.
•Be Mature.
•Be Loyal.
•Be Friendly.
•When you get ON the pc to play, just hop on mumble please.
•If you can be on Sundays for my tournament that would be perfect.
•Be Willing to Practice for upcoming tournaments.
•Just don't be c0cky >.< yes confidence is important but c0ckyness gets annoying to be honest.
•I don't know, I'm looking for motivated players to be honest!

If you have every requirement demanded just come join the crew ;)

Hop on Mumble if you want to join or add me ingame : 4EVERfast

add me on skype : sp.league1

Mumble info : mumble104.gotmumble.com
password for mumble: spl123

xfire :semiproleague
