Forgetting to save the replay

Sometimes i want to save the replay because i suspect someone may be hacking during the game but when the game finishes I press "OK" subconsciously without realizing that i wanted to save the replay. Its a habit and i think many people can relate to this. So i propose during the game when you want to save the replay have the option to tick a box "Save replay" so it automatically saves it when the game finishes. Maybe this could be located somewhere in the menu when you press esc.

When I play S&D and I'm fighting someone sometimes the emblem from A or B site that indicates where they are get in the way. Even though they are transparent they still throw me off as they blend in with my opponent and i cant see him properly. This happens occasionally when the angles are allinged. I think we should have the option to disactivate the emblem that shows us where the sites A or B are and where the C4 is when its dropped but still be able to see where our allies are.


  • 1. I can also relate to that and it would be nice if they added this option.

    2. I never had any problems with those emblems, so I'm pretty much indifferent about it, but wouldn't hurt anyone.

    Btw I really doubt they would bother with small things like these. If there aren't too many people complaining and it doesn't mean profit, then they overlook it.

    For me one of the most annoying things is when I take the C4 up from the ground in GM, it stops my meele attack. I die very often because of this when someone from my team loses the C4 at a bad spot and GRs camp near it.
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4176104']1. I can also relate to that and it would be nice if they added this option.

    2. I never had any problems with those emblems, so I'm pretty much indifferent about it, but wouldn't hurt anyone.

    Btw I really doubt they would bother with small things like these. If there aren't too many people complaining and it doesn't mean profit, then they overlook it.

    For me one of the most annoying things is when I take the C4 up from the ground in GM, it stops my meele attack. I die very often because of this when someone from my team loses the C4 at a bad spot and GRs camp near it.

    Yeah i understand what you mean, it has happened to me before when im in a fire fight and i pick up the c4 causing my gun to stop shooting for a couple of seconds because of the animation that it gives (like the one when you switch weapons).
    There are many other small things that are similar and cause problems and i know they won't really do anything about it but what else can i do..
  • First suggestion = brilliant.
    Specially in long SnD games when people early on are hacking and by the end you've forgotten (either because they where kicked or you wanted to leave the hack infested room in a hurry).

    Ages ago you used to be able to go to the replay folder and there was a temp file that you could change the extension to .cfr and it was the last game you played, cant do that no more though :(
  • maybe its only good for you guys because you guys meybe forget many things i think cfna is not gonna change that thing because some guys forgot to click that save reply.
    there is one solution for this dont forget lol.
  • 3000en3 wrote: »
    maybe its only good for you guys because you guys meybe forget many things i think cfna is not gonna change that thing because some guys forgot to click that save reply.
    there is one solution for this dont forget lol.

    I think you will find it is more common than just 'some guys'.
    Besides it isn't just about forgetfulness, it would also be useful if you get kicked straight after the game and didn't get chance to save the replay. Or if you have a dodgy connection and the results page doesn't load fast enough and you get moved to the lobby right away.

    So also about making it easier and not having to worry about doing anything at the end of the game.
  • They used to have a feature where your most recent game's replay was saved as a temp file in your CFNA folders, but they took it out due to technical issues iirc. I'm pretty sure replays were put into the game solely for reporting cheaters, so they probably won't do this seeing as you could just record your gameplay if you want the replay for clips/editing and whatnot.