Maintenance Notice - February 10, 2015
Miss A (미쓰에이), stylized as miss A, is a four member Korean-Chinese K-pop girl group based in South Korea. They were formed in 2010 and are managed by JYP Entertainment. The group consists of Fei, Jia, Min, and Suzy. Their group name stands for Miss Asia.
Jackie Chan is the next character maybe ? -
' wrote:David[;4174361']Miss A (미쓰에이), stylized as miss A, is a four member Korean-Chinese K-pop girl group based in South Korea. They were formed in 2010 and are managed by JYP Entertainment. The group consists of Fei, Jia, Min, and Suzy. Their group name stands for Miss Asia.
Jackie Chan is the next character maybe ?
Uh was Suzy the female caster for CFS? -
Unfortunately due to some technical issues that became apparent after opening the servers, and to address an issue with some players not receiving their pre-order bonuses, we needed to take the servers down once again. We hope to have these issues fixed and the servers functioning once again by 3:00 AM EST.
We apologize for the inconvenience. -
[GM]Castiel wrote: »Unfortunately due to some technical issues that became apparent after opening the servers, and to address an issue with some players not receiving their pre-order bonuses, we needed to take the servers down once again. We hope to have these issues fixed and the servers functioning once again by 3:00 AM EST.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Take all the time you need. -
[GM]Castiel wrote: »Unfortunately due to some technical issues that became apparent after opening the servers, and to address an issue with some players not receiving their pre-order bonuses, we needed to take the servers down once again. We hope to have these issues fixed and the servers functioning once again by 3:00 AM EST.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Why am I not surprised?
Happens everytime. -
[GM]Castiel wrote: »Unfortunately due to some technical issues that became apparent after opening the servers, and to address an issue with some players not receiving their pre-order bonuses, we needed to take the servers down once again. We hope to have these issues fixed and the servers functioning once again by 3:00 AM EST.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thanks to me, you guys found out.
' wrote:David[;4174361']Miss A (미쓰에이), stylized as miss A, is a four member Korean-Chinese K-pop girl group based in South Korea. They were formed in 2010 and are managed by JYP Entertainment. The group consists of Fei, Jia, Min, and Suzy. Their group name stands for Miss Asia.
Jackie Chan is the next character maybe ?
The Next Character is Kim Jong Un!!! -
[GM]Castiel wrote: »Unfortunately due to some technical issues that became apparent after opening the servers, and to address an issue with some players not receiving their pre-order bonuses, we needed to take the servers down once again. We hope to have these issues fixed and the servers functioning once again by 3:00 AM EST.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
we love technical issues -
[GM]Castiel wrote: »Unfortunately due to some technical issues that became apparent after opening the servers, and to address an issue with some players not receiving their pre-order bonuses, we needed to take the servers down once again. We hope to have these issues fixed and the servers functioning once again by 3:00 AM EST.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Didn't see That
Well Oki uh as usual .. -
Uh was Suzy the female caster for CFS?
No... what the hell made you think that. lol
That female shoutcaster for CFS was Susie "lilsusie" Kim from OGN. OGN was partnered for CFS 'cause they needed English casters so that's why she was shoutcasting the event with Chobra (I think it was him... I don't remember but the voice matched OGN Chobra's).
She works as a translator and interviewer for esports events, mainly League of Legends. However she started by working with Team Liquid for starcraft2 and blizzard production during broodwar.
Edit; Yeah it was Chobra. I only remembered from the top of my head.
In case you need confirmation on who they are:
Chobra is a popular caster especially for league so I don't need to link anything.
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