End the racism..Stop ip restricting!

I feel this is horrible that every version of crossfire IP restricts who is allowed to access it and from what country. We need to destroy the wall that separates us as people. We are one race. Quit letting usernames of people judge who you are.. if I changed my name to something with "BR" in it, "brs" will not kick me.. If I change my name to "Ahmed" or Mohammed" players with Ahmed or Mohammed won't kick me..if I have "Xiao" in my name, other "Chinese and oriental usernames" will not rage kick me. why? Most players with these usernames aren't necessarily associated with said countries. Just the username is stereotyped towards those people due to racism.

"But their ping is so high! These players most be from far away to establish a ping like that""

Ip hiders are the reason for this, VPN servers add extra ping to players while accessing crossfire, because the data(packets) has to get sent to the VPN server and THEN to z8games.. Then it is sent from Z8games to the VPN server, which is then sent to you. Also, if anyone gets IP blocked out of crossfire, they can easily get around these blocks with the use of a VPN server. This is how most get around bans and how many out of country players access CF.

But if you already have 250 ping from out of country, it'll turn into about 400 ping(Hardly playable) If you have about 60-100 ping, it'll double to 120-200.. This is about the range most "Racist Labels" are placed in, from Latin America all the way to china... Ironic isn't it? some of these people also will "Half ass" speak the corresponding language in which they portray.

Bottom line: NA/CA/EU crossfire players are falling for the racist labeling of usernames, and letting petty idiots that have the ability to evade bans sway their opinions of real people from around the world! We must burn down this wall for it is evil and separates us all.

Ha-ckers are from every country, IP restricting will not slow them down one bit. Especially since anyone can access a VPN server nowadays.

I was around since before the IP restrictions were even thought of.

Back during the first series of IP restrictions several years ago:

After the IP restrictions the amount of ha-ckers actually increased, the amount of Latin American players decreased. Get my drift? More IP restrictions will not eliminate ha-ckers who have access to VPN servers.

If you do not know what a VPN is, google it! The most common tool used to get around IP restrictions AND bans! (Partial copy paste from another post I made with edits I admit)
