Selling zp BM gun?

Many of you may know CFVN has a system call "Casino Royale", basically where you deposit Vcoin (aka ZP in our version) to gamble so you can exchange for the weapon. You can deposit small amount and try to win more point to exchange the gun you want, or just deposit the exactly amount of the gun you want to exchange.

This is like another way for you can get a gun but it's easier therefore also more expensive. They got the Barret Flying-Dragon for like $100, and it's like the rarest gun you can get in the exchange system. And so many weapons that you don't want to gamble to get, you just deposit and exchange them.

What do you think about this system? I guess z8 should do the same thing so people will get more chances to get permanent guns without spending too much and don't win anything.


  • I don't really get it..

    So instead of spinning crates, I can just buy the weapon for an X amount of money/ZP?
  • MoeDeta wrote: »
    I don't really get it..

    So instead of spinning crates, I can just buy the weapon for an X amount of money/ZP?

    Yes, that's why I said it's an easier way to get a perm gun, but it's super expensive, a normal gun could cost the price of a VIP. But I'm sure some of us here are willing to spend more than $100 just to get a normal gun.
  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    Yes, that's why I said it's an easier way to get a perm gun, but it's super expensive, a normal gun could cost the price of a VIP. But I'm sure some of us here are willing to spend more than $100 just to get a normal gun.

    Thanks for the explanation.

    Well, the system you're talking about would basically guarantee getting the weapon you want for whatever the price is. If so, then what is the point of the black market? If someone is smart enough, they'd rather spend a 100 bucks and get the weapon they want instead of wasting 20k ZP and winning nothing they want.

    Yes, its expensive, but it would decrease the profit Z8 is making and so I doubt they'll add that.

    Unless the current game situation changes and servers are full again, this won't happen. This would work in a game with a large fan base. Our version doesn't have that much of participation in-game.
  • My luck is so bad I asked for this a long time ago. @100k a gun is way better then my win rate. lol

    Surely they know how many crates they want purchased before a winning gun is given away. So coming up with a fixed price shouldn't be hard.
    Loads of people will still try their luck with 10 crates and what not.
  • ^like Andrew said, you can try 10 crates in BM to test your luck, in this case, you can deposit a small amount of money and gamble, you either lose or win more point to get to the gun's point.

    And they only sell guns that aren't available anymore in BM, that's how they get players to participate. Imagine they put the M4-Royal or Sping at 150k ZP, the price is so high that many players will try their luck first, or just buy it if they feel they really need that gun.

    Btw this is not a suggestion since I'm not suggesting anything, I just want to know what people think about this system.
  • Or, it can be just like CF China and all the guns in the BM in the item shop. - -
  • NickTran1 wrote: »
    And they only sell guns that aren't available anymore in BM, that's how they get players to participate.

    Please no.. Not the rare guns, thats just killing the fun out of having a rare gun. I don't have any rare guns atm but if I do, I would be mad if people can purchase it in a sec...

    My post wasn't clear enough. I do support the idea and I'd love if they implement this. My win rate sucks big time, lol.
  • Not all rare guns, just some of them, and they can add the good old coupon guns in there, it would be good.

    It's still expensive though, only works if you like that gun and want it so bad, otherwise trying your luck is better.
  • This sounds cool, I would pay much to get a gun like Ak-47 Scope <3
  • As long as seasonal weapons are off the list, I'm supporting the idea.
    I have the same problem as Andrew and as it is now the usual amount of ZP I spend before actually winning a gun from crates is around 200-250k ZP. If I had the chance to buy crate weapons for a fix price (say 150k ZP), I would rather stop spinning crates.
  • I Am Dont Accpet , Because Gun's BM Will lose its luster
  • Omg if they had the M4A1-Golden tiger in the exchange O.o i'd easily pay an arm and leg for that bad boy ;)
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4172196']As long as seasonal weapons are off the list, I'm supporting the idea.
    I have the same problem as Andrew and as it is now the usual amount of ZP I spend before actually winning a gun from crates is around 200-250k ZP. If I had the chance to buy crate weapons for a fix price (say 150k ZP), I would rather stop spinning crates.

    Of course they dont sell seasonal weapons, best they could do is putting seasonal crates in there at higher price, 15k zp for 10 crates maybe.

    I missed the 2 royal crates so I would love to see some of them at a fixed price, but I think z8 wont do it.