screen pick of pubstars farming xd


  • dude

    upload to tinypic, post link / img codes.. no one will DL that.
  • 2d9tkb9.jpg

    This is old, REALLY old.
    And do you see the entire 90+ members of PubStarz farming?
  • no. but technically i don't see anybody farming.

    there's no way to tell who's farming or not. 1 person can't watch 99 members either.

    the conflict on the clan news page between the top 2 ranked clans is quite funny. neither one of them deserve it. but they argue like they do.
  • no. but technically i don't see anybody farming.

    there's no way to tell who's farming or not. 1 person can't watch 99 members either.

    the conflict on the clan news page between the top 2 ranked clans is quite funny. neither one of them deserve it. but they argue like they do.
    I got this from a other person..but in there introduction it says no farming..Dont hate
  • Get the facts straight.
    1. He invited DS to a 1v1
    2. He was talking to DS throughout the match
    3. He baited DS into killing him so that he could take those pics.
    4. DS came to us immediately afterwards to explain his mistake, before the pic was published.
    5. We have plenty of ample LT's and keep track of points. Any user who is receiving less than 20 clan points a week is kicked. Any user who is receiving more than 50 clan points a week is reviewed.
    6. How do you decide who deserves rank 1? Is it the most active or the most skilled? What if a clan gets lucky and beats a clan who is supposedly better? Who gets rank 1? Maybe neither of us do deserve rank 1, but POwned has it. Good for them.
    7. I have school in 2 hours and haven't slept yet. Crossfire FTW. :)
  • lol they say how its ok to farm if the other clan does it but what about the rest of the 50000 clans?
  • J.Gower wrote: »
    Get the facts straight.
    1. He invited DS to a 1v1
    2. He was talking to DS throughout the match
    3. He baited DS into killing him so that he could take those pics.
    4. DS came to us immediately afterwards to explain his mistake, before the pic was published.
    5. We have plenty of ample LT's and keep track of points. Any user who is receiving less than 20 clan points a week is kicked. Any user who is receiving more than 50 clan points a week is reviewed.
    6. How do you decide who deserves rank 1? Is it the most active or the most skilled? What if a clan gets lucky and beats a clan who is supposedly better? Who gets rank 1? Maybe neither of us do deserve rank 1, but POwned has it. Good for them.
    7. I have school in 2 hours and haven't slept yet. Crossfire FTW. :)

    You my friend fail.I do not bait people.I was simply in the lobby and said who wants to farm me.Funny dark said burstingly first,ME!He went on through out the match and said kylla is real strict about farmers and hackers blah blah blah,He went on to say to me,what if you post this and get me on it later.I said dont worry im not like that,untill powned took number 1 spot.A controversy arose over pubstarz never farm.I had this ss saved and at that time had rudely posted it on the forums.Yes he farmed me,Get over it!!!!!Nothing wrong with a little bit of farming...
  • Still farming, however. Rayne is a beast <3
  • Remarkable.

    pubstars farming? That's plural meaning above 1. All I see is 1.
    Great job attempting to judge a clan by 1 member. Feel proud.
  • These pathetic threads are just a waste of time. We all realize that they farm, but many members are legit, and don't farm so it doesn't matter. Who really cares about the clan rank. Everyone there has about 100 members, no clan chemistry, and most of them farm (not saying all of them). Most intelligent people realize that tournaments have a much bigger impact on which clan should be "the best cf clan"
  • Popo223 wrote: »
    These pathetic threads are just a waste of time. We all realize that they farm, but many members are legit, and don't farm so it doesn't matter. Who really cares about the clan rank. Everyone there has about 100 members, no clan chemistry, and most of them farm (not saying all of them). Most intelligent people realize that tournaments have a much bigger impact on which clan should be "the best cf clan"

    Yet this clan system shows the capabilities of 1 person able to form a large group of players that will devote their game time to assisting the clan rank up!
  • everyone knows that pubstars farmed their way to #1 and once they got there ahead of LND they go "OHH NO. NO MOAR FARMING. FARMING IS GAY" (cause thats how they talk) they think they can hate on powned for taking their number 1 while thats how they got to number 1 to begin with.
  • Most is already said on this topic. But I suggest you do what we did when this screenshot came to our knowledge. Search Dark-Souljur on Z8 player list, and check his k/d day by day for the past months.
  • everyone knows that pubstars farmed their way to #1 and once they got there ahead of LND they go "OHH NO. NO MOAR FARMING. FARMING IS GAY" (cause thats how they talk) they think they can hate on powned for taking their number 1 while thats how they got to number 1 to begin with.

    Yeah they went that way because the clan was under a new ownership. Once under the new ownership farming was removed. Get your facts straight before you talk trash. It will make you seem less like an idiotic 9 year old.
  • LawGiver Your Picture is Horrible Dude you Should Change it Quicktime :L
  • EpiiCc wrote: »
    LawGiver Your Picture is Horrible Dude you Should Change it Quicktime :L

    Agreed :\..
  • Oooooooohh it's one guy in the clan.
    I don't care.
    Pubstarz deserves rank #1 more.
    Plus Pubstarz are more skilled and nicer.
  • EpiiCc wrote: »
    Naa Trio Well Better.

    We are speaking about the system in place on CF. Not any other system found in a foreign game.

    And to answer the question if male or female. It is male. a fat homosexual goth
  • you know I think I remember this dude. I have been whispered by people asking to one v one. We go a few a kills... and the dude goes afk for 5 minutes. do I kill the afk person until they get back... no because I figured it was black mail. So I wait around... and when they get back they are like I gotta go! Yeah sure you did. Why the heck would you invite a person to a one v one and talk smack and then go AFK? Its just like the people who go afk during SnD and tell people not to kill them. And then QQ because people killed you while you were gone. Basically what this dude is saying is any person who has killed an AFK person in any match is a farmer.

    Secondly... why would DS go into a room with any person and farm them so they can get a screen shot? People who farm go into a private locked room with an account that doesnt have a chance fight back... not someone who can frame them.

    This is why I don't one v one. Because people are dbags... and they claim if your in a locked room whether your playing smear the.... Tag or practicing some strats that you farm.

    So to summarize... Dark doesn't Farm. This was a 1v1 where some dbag went afk to frame Dark. 1v1 for black mail is pretty pitiful and is the main reason I don't play 1v1. I find it funny instead of coming to me this guy made it public. When people know I hate farmers and farming. Instead he made it so everyone could see it. Its like posting someone from some uber clan that was hacking because you gave them the hacks.
  • zomg pubstarz farming omg omg who cares you noob
    the conflict on the clan news page between the top 2 ranked clans is quite funny. neither one of them deserve it. but they argue like they do.
