Replace vote kick with host kick

About the host kick rules:
1. host can kick any player in his room. The message will show that who was kicked for what reason.
2. the kicked player can not reenter the room unless it has a new host. This can be done to create a client side temp file, which will be deleted after the host leave the room. Server will ask client to make sure the player is not blacklisted by the host client before allow the player to join the room.
3. MOD and GM can rate the host after they play in the room, +1 for good experience, 0 for neutral, and -1 for bad experience. (experience is based on how quick the host kick the hacker, and how often a legal player is kicked for improper reason).
4. in the clan war, a host must be a third clan member (with agreement from both sides). The host can not play in the game, but is responsible to inspect every player and kick hackers.
5. players can highlight the suspect, so that host can notice them quickly.
6. rating of the host should be shown in the room list.

Alleviate the working load. No matter if the x-trap works, or how many replays submitted everyday, there are always quite some well hosted room for the legit player to join. When legit players have place to enjoy the game, there would be less complains.
No legal issue, the gaming experience is based on the choice the correct room. z8 provides guide by rating the hosts, and can easily regulate the trend by adjust the host rule (for example, negative rated players are not allowed to host.)

Abusement and avoidance
I add this section as I read fallenangles' sticky, host kick is too easily to be abused.
To my opinion, absuement is totally a personal behavior of a host. He may lack experience, or fair play sipirit, or just in bad mode. Choosing a proper room to paly is the chioce of players. Most players will build epxerience on which host is good. They can note the host's name down on a piece of paper, in a text file, or if z8 would provide a button to facilitate the procedure, to be as simple as possible, save to client side, and mark out the whitelisted rooms when player login. Z8 can also mark the hostile host's room.
The reason to delete the blocked player list after each hosting is the consideration of wrong decision, also count the rare case that a hacker decides to stop hacking. This is tunnable, the blocked players list can be cleared each game (when there is very tiny amount of hackers), each hosting (normal case), each login (heavier hacker population), for several days, or never delete until z8 configure a new mode.
Z8's responsibility is very low, GM can rate the host after each game, also MOD can also be allowed to rate the host. Even each player in the room can rate the host before he leaves, however, to avoid bias, normal players' rating shoud be a different category from the ratings from trustworthy resouce(GM and MOD). Rating only happens after the playing in the room.
Z8 can easily adjust the choice of hosts to enforce better hosting: lowest level is to allow anyone to host, when complains reach certain level, forbid negatively rated players (e.g. -10) to host, also, a room can automatically chnage host when the host has negative rating and a player with very positive rating (say, +10) enters the room. In other words, legit players can invade hackers' room, instead of hacker can invade a clean room.
Now we outline it:
1. z8 guides players about the better choice.
2. By postive rating, z8 encourages players to be good hosts.
3. With the encouragement, more and more players want to host a fair room.
4. When more and more hosts want to be fair, more players can enjoy the game.
5. Hackers might ahve to gather in their private rooms or some rooms hosted by less experienced players or hacker supporters. This creates very little impact to the game community, and increase the chance to catch multiple hackers per match.
6. When most players can find proper rooms for them, there should be less hack report.
7. When there are less hacker reports, z8 stuff can spend more time rating the host, and perform in-time catch and ban hackers, this would be more efficient and the influence is visible.
8. Bottom line, even if there are more and more hacers and players who do not care about hackers, hacker haters stil can create their room to enjoy, in which they would not bother save replay and report anyone. Hackers and hacker lovers also would not report anyone. This ends up with less reports.
9. Now both hack haters and hack lovers have nothing to complain. Both of them can find the room suitable rooms for them.

Compared to the curent ban system, the burden of z8 is apparently much lower, and the satisfaction of players would be much higher.

Also in the forum, discussion about the host and his host skill can be allowed. This is a push for better hosting.

possible profit
If z8 allow each account to save certain number of nice hosts, the number of slots would facilitate the players' game. So there is a reason to convert the more slots to profit. For example, each player has 10 free slot to record good hosts (and it woudl be indicated by a marker on the room), then another 10 slots would cost 10zp. Players can also use their notepad to record the preferable rooms, but they need to check the notepad now and then, which will be too complicated after some time. This gives them reason to spend zp on it.

Host level system and dedicated host:
In my suggestion I mentioned the dedicated host in clan war, in fact, any host can choose to be dedicated host (not take part in the match). Clans can ask for a player to be their host when both side agrees that the host would host a fair game, so they can send invitation to the player to hos the game. The host can be rated at the end of match by the players, increase their clan war hosting positive and negative count. Of course, clans can also choose to a game without a nertral host. The fiarness of the match would be their own debate. But a match with referee should be more recognized.
Now clan can also purchase the slots for trusted referees, z8 provide the menu operation to check their online status and easy way to send invitation.


  • GhostArch wrote: »
    About the host kick rules:
    1. host can kick any player in his room. The message will show that who was kicked for what reason.
    2. the kicked player can not reenter the room unless it has a new host. This can be done to create a client side temp file, which will be deleted after the host leave the room. Server will ask client to make sure the player is not blacklisted by the host client before allow the player to join the room.
    3. MOD and GM can rate the host after they play in the room, +1 for good experience, 0 for neutral, and -1 for bad experience. (experience is based on how quick the host kick the hacker, and how often a legal player is kicked for improper reason).
    4. in the clan war, a host must be a third clan member (with agreement from both sides). The host can not play in the game, but is responsible to inspect every player and kick hackers.
    5. players can highlight the suspect, so that host can notice them quickly.
    6. rating of the host should be shown in the room list.

    Alleviate the working load. No matter if the x-trap works, or how many replays submitted everyday, there are always quite some well hosted room for the legit player to join. When legit players have place to enjoy the game, there would be less complains.
    No legal issue, the gaming experience is based on the choice the correct room. z8 provides guide by rating the hosts, and can easily regulate the trend by adjust the host rule (for example, negative rated players are not allowed to host.)
    This could be something good :)
  • +1 for clean rooms for once. Going to make pubbing painful though, gonna have to stick to making my own rooms lol
  • there is aproblem with idea what if the player is too pro or just he is lucky what are you going to do with him are you jsut say he is hack and there is some thing to add with your idea you forgot to add report with kicking vote it would be easier to bann him fast
  • there is aproblem with idea what if the player is too pro or just he is lucky what are you going to do with him are you jsut say he is hack and there is some thing to add with your idea you forgot to add report with kicking vote it would be easier to bann him fast

    If you are kicked from the room for being too good, then it says, you should find another room hosted by a more experienced player.

    I don't anyone can have the skill that make the whole community base to falsely think he is hacking. Most of theplayers have very accurate judgement on who is hacker, who has skill. Also remember, MOD and CMs rates the hosts, no only based on how they kick hackers, but also on how they kick legit players. If you insist to show off the skills in a newbie room, then there is nothing to complain to be kicked, because you expect to shock them with your skills. Otherwise, choosing a orom with players at the same level would be more enjoyable.

    And if unfortunately, you are so pro that no one will accept you, you can start your own room.

    The bottom line is, we will no longer have the embarassment of have to nothing to do with hackers but quit and seek another room, befor some other hackers come to ruin it again.
  • Number_2 wrote: »
    +1 for clean rooms for once. Going to make pubbing painful though, gonna have to stick to making my own rooms lol

    You have friends who agrees on your skills? Their rom is good for you. The pain in fact is for the host, they need to watch many things. And they ned to bear the complain and insult from some uneducated kids. But as they seeks a good rating, they should have the repsonsibility because they have the power.
  • Define Pro = meaning of a pro player
    IMO a pro player is not pro when he/she is shooting blatently through walls with a shotgun hiding like a weak pig sucker ?

    That is pro in the egy cafe hehehe so funny , ive come across the same emeinmeee for @ least three weeks claming he's pro with these action's above

    Get a grip employ staff with all that waisted cash you keep reskinnin gun's for zp . just for replay's there is a ton i would like to send you "yes" the majoirty is trash from egy with over larged ping's 280+, i know ive obtained a few ip's which they claim to mask mwhuhuuuu idiot's ....... Any sign of a Game's manager yet that want's to upgrade from this Saidin's left over's no offence Saidin was teh man and wanted to comminicate with player's , yet this bunch christ know's ......... Money for old rope

    So pro im getting shot from a weakling hiding with the hack shotgun walling ...

    All i can say is to them pig's suck it hard scrub's ...
    Another opinion dont hate the player hate the system ... much needed care to press f11 ? pro pro pro lagging nub on maybe 17fps get's to stay in game lol

  • RawThentic wrote: »
    Define Pro = meaning of a pro player
    IMO a pro player is not pro when he/she is shooting blatently through walls with a shotgun hiding like a weak pig sucker ?

    That is pro in the egy cafe hehehe so funny , ive come across the same emeinmeee for @ least three weeks claming he's pro with these action's above

    Get a grip employ staff with all that waisted cash you keep reskinnin gun's for zp . just for replay's there is a ton i would like to send you "yes" the majoirty is trash from egy with over larged ping's 280+, i know ive obtained a few ip's which they claim to mask mwhuhuuuu idiot's ....... Any sign of a Game's manager yet that want's to upgrade from this Saidin's left over's no offence Saidin was teh man and wanted to comminicate with player's , yet this bunch christ know's ......... Money for old rope

    So pro im getting shot from a weakling hiding with the hack shotgun walling ...

    All i can say is to them pig's suck it hard scrub's ...
    Another opinion dont hate the player hate the system ... much needed care to press f11 ? pro pro pro lagging nub on maybe 17fps get's to stay in game lol


    Are you still in track of the trhead?

    I know you hate hackers, and I know lots of hackers ar with big ping and some (maybe) egyptian IGN. But the host kick system does not target on this issue. If an Egyptain play not hack, the host could let him play, if the host notice someone hack, he could choose to block him, no matter how big his ping is, and which country he is from. What I believe is, hackers re not from any specific country, they may have any nationality.

    If host likes to have high ping players to play is his choice. I would beleive most legit players would only allow similar ping player to join. Low ping definitely has advantage, the high ping is beleieved to slow everyone down. If host cares, both has reason to be kicked. With host kick system, players wil be organized automatically. Both low and high pinger can find a room with majority of similar ping range.
  • +1 i support you buddy well i am egyption player and i have the lag range from 70 to 100 at most is that means i lag and of course for other players don't judge any country for his lag you have abetter ping you have a better chance to kill him and for the hackers egypt is not the only country who plays with hack there is many players play with hack from differnet nationalties so stop crying and see what you are writing
  • This is by far, the best idea possible for combating cheating little hacking VPN abusing Ernest Voice operatives we end up calling "h@x0r nubs" instead of "Hacker" due to the fact "Hack" is filtered in the game chat.
  • Too easy to be abused? Really? Vote kick is already abused by ha-ckers to kick legit players... That is just an excuse not to implement something that works!
  • Detection of Hackers 101:

    "If you've been playing CF for awhile, it is very easy to (Spot) Hackers in the Game:

    1. Speeders: Move faster than Game Mode FPS... very noticeable.
    2. One Shot Hacker: A player will notice that the opposing player BL / GR, every time shot (20:1) is One Shot every time.
    3. Glitching: A player that Blinks In and Out of Video, can Hide in Walls, Boxes, and just about any type of Structure.
    4. Jumpers: Capable of Jumping way beyond Game Mode Norms.
    5. Wallers: Able to Climb on to any Structure in Game Modes.
    6. Hard to Kill: Going head to head with one Player and notice that not even Grenades have effect on them.
    7. Weapon Jamming Tools: Weapon will Jam just before firing at a player or there will be an Delay in action.
    8. Score Counters: Noticeable only if you Pay close attention to the Game? Score will Advance 2-3 Points Higher than expected.
    9. If a Player has the (Rank) between PVT - SSG and there Score is a Consistent (50:2) Average in more than 1-5 Games or an outrageous (100:2) KDR.
    10. Even if a Player has a High Ranking position... General, etc. - There is no reason not to believe they are not an Hacker. This takes experience judgement.
    11. Pop and Hiss Shot: This is one way of Detecting a (1 Shot Hacker) - There is the Sound of a Hiss & Pop when being shot; very distinctive if you "Pay Attention".
    12. Shot Avoidance Hacking-Tool: There are Players that use this (Hacking-Tool). When you Shoot at a Player, they will Automatically be moved out of the Line of Fire.

    "These are a Few of the Hacking-Tools that I've come up against in my (4 Years +) playing Crossfire !"
    So when I "Kick" a Player if I'm the (Room Host)? It will be for these reasons of Observance; which will make it Justifiable, and Not Abuse.