The Shooting Range

Hey devs, gm's, community and whoever is going to read this.

I was warming up on the shooting range like everyday and i had an idea.
Yea I know cross fire staff is busy with 2.0, but never costs to suggest.

So I was telling myself that the shooting range is the best way to learn how to control your weapon, i mean the fastest.

Buuuut..targets are not moving. So, you know, i can learn how to do different kind of headshots on a target that never moves, but players (not talking about sfc and below) do actually move left and right, sometimes faster with a deagle or a knife, slower with an m60. sometimes they crouch and stay 0.5 secs after.

Like you may have guessed, i'm only interested in doing headshots (with gun control or with 1 tap). But i can't get a proper training on that shooting range

So i was asking myself if you could do different levels of shooting range, some with fast moving targets (like with a knife) some with weird moving targets (I mean 1 step to the left, two steps to the right, etc).

A bit like that game full of kids which had bots...hem..Call of Duty full of trash. (I know you don't have the same amount of money, don't know if its possible for you guys).

Well, i'm done with this post. See ya, have a nice day, et caetera, et caetera.


  • The shooting range is meant for you to get a feel of the gun; not an actual shooting range where you can practice your skills. This ain't real life :D

    If you want to practice your aim, just join an actual game. There's even headshot mode now if you only want to practice headshots.
  • Well, i guess you're right for the feel of the gun, but you can't really get a training like that without decreasing your kd when some people yolospray on you with a thompson or a ksg-15.

    They are usually easy to kill but not when you try to make a controlled headshot. I mean not to spray in an area near the head where u can make a headshot 90% sure on short range. I mean a headshot fully controlled without any kind of luck involved.

    these guys are hard to kill this way because they don't really need to aim. And getting the experience to kill them in control takes time, so your kd goes down and down .

    thats why I wanted a shooting range with moving targets, like there's no one disturbing you in your aim-focused training. Plus you spend your time on shooting, this means you get more aiming experience cause you don't lose time finding someone to aim at him while u can still get killed by someone else from side/backreap.

    headshot mode is a nice idea, but when the guys are too strong in front of you, you don't get any experience from it because u just die. Plus there is a hacker 1/2 game. or 2 hackers. (and no i'm not a noob gamerage gm who will say that anyone better than him is a hacker)

    Anyway i guess this idea won't interest gm's anyway ;/
  • Or they can introduce bots :p like other games and people will be able to play with bots when servers are offline..
  • The shooting range is meant for you to get a feel of the gun; not an actual shooting range where you can practice your skills. This ain't real life :D

    If you want to practice your aim, just join an actual game. There's even headshot mode now if you only want to practice headshots.

    You mean neck shot mode? It's really not practice IMO.

    Ship is literally people holding w and prefiring corners

    Arena neck shot mode is ehhh

    Orbital station is just cancerous

    But the guy is right, the shooting range definitely helps with your aim

    +1 for moving targets