R.I.P. Crossfire!

I played crossfire since their beta release, somewhere in the beginning of 2009. Nice time to remember 2009 and 2010, many have begun to play and hardly could only find a place to enter the server. They increased the number of servers due to the increasing number of players.....good times. But now, in our days, i see constantly just 2 big servers populated, Uk1 and Uk4, and half of Alpha server, which is most lagged server anyway. Even in those 2 servers i see a lot of new accounts made by arabs around 80%. The problem is not their religion or their origin, but anyone can see that most of them have a ping up to 260+. And this is not all. Another problem is their mentality:they rush to play and kill everyone without any skill or experience, and of course, they die in first 30 seconds gathering a lot of frustration. And they try to compensate that frustration with....guess what...hacking tools. Whatever, this game is not mine and since is it free to play, is my choice to play or not. So, even the hacking issue made by majority of muslims (not all) is not a problem for me, i can play with this. MY PROBLEM, and i think a problem fro many other ppl is when i encounter MM server connection time out or something like that. Or HGWC can`t connect, or errors due to some installed programs or drivers which have nothing to do with crossfire. Looking on the evolution of this game from 2009 until now, the future does not seem to be pink. No problem, there is Battlefield 3, AVA and few other games. So long. And r.i.p. (suba)Z8 Crossfire
P.S. Same situation like above on crossfire europe and CF SEA.