Veteran Rewards

Simply, if you've played long than 5 years, you get a perm item. played three years, a temp item.

Ideas for a perm item could be a unique weapon, player skin, equipment item, ect

The temp item could be things like the shovel RD, or other exclusive limited items, that are given for extended periods of time.

I've been playing since 2009 myself, and have most vvip weapons, so the idea of get those as rewards is non-appealing.

Personally I'd like a perm. unique remington knife, no bonuses, but does not need repairing, but any unique item only attained by YEARS PLAYED, would be nice.

These are place holder ideas for my lost veteran and grizzled veteran ribbons....

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, you need to have a clean non-cheater account to be eligible to get these items.
