Bring Crossfire NA to Steam too

I don't know if you guys noticed but Crossfire EU is in Steam now. If that game can go to Steam I don't see why this can't either.

You would get more players for sure and it would also help me to compare it's playerbase to other games playerbases.


  • [MOD]dot wrote: »
    CF EU was a test run, it's being evaluated and was of course approved by devs and such.
    Devs also decide if our version ever gets on Steam.

    Lost Saga is already on Steam.

  • cf eu's server has been like half empty for a year now, now last week when I tried to play it again (having problems with my new gpu so I havent been online for a few weeks) the alpha server was full + 2 full channels in bravo, its insane.

    But keep in mind that steam isnt the solution, many new players may join the game, but smilegate has to do something to make them stay.

    Since the game is on steam cf eu has a lot of events, and I really mean it like I said. We get 3-5 crates for new weapons just for playing certain maps/modes or just in general, new players are getting bonis etc.
    But even that isnt enough if the game is just broken.

    Its poorly optimized, every mouse with a higher then 125 hz polling rate will give the player the waving effect + some weir mouse acceleration wich makes the game unplayable, high fps cause you to be unable to climb ladders fast enough for a rush and the community will remain awful, wich also means cheaters and insulting kids are making new players leave very fast.

    Before bringing the game on steam, at least fix the major issues:

    -Climbing ladders slowls with high fps
    -Poor optimization
    -Mouses with more then 125hz polling rate = impossible to play with
  • i really like your idea i think they should bring the game to steam and charge $14.99 for a premium account like cs:go and all the other good and playable FPS games with good community. but sadly this version wont do anything until everyone stops spending money,
    just look at it this way the last 2 patches they've add tons of crates and X-trap hasn't even been updated i mean if i was in charge of a game my first priority would be eliminate hackers then ill worry about adding new guns.
  • ^^ True what pur1tYx said.

    CrossFire NA/UK needs to fix their bugs and glitches first. Then they need to optimize the game better.

    And finally, the whole company needs to get their stuff straight. e.g.
    • Put more effort for CrossFire (Like Saidin did, he came up with Ribbons etc),
    • Website upgrades are needed,
    • Better content,
    • More balanced content,
    • Better anti-cheat system,
    • More and better events which players want rather than the same event for every month.
    Last, but not least, better communication between GM, developers and players.

    If you can do all that, then CrossFre NA/UK will go great with Stream.
  • agreed, +1
    although the gm's said "they are "working" on it". It would be cool since alot of my friend use steam and like fps. With steam, you can get more players, which in return creates better server which leads to a better experience, which leads to people buying zp, which makes z8 happy.