Looking for a competitive clan.

CrossXTime in game.
I am extremely active playing around 3-4 hours daily.
I am 21 Ohio/USA and mature.
I would like a clan in NA with ENGLISH speaking members.
I really would prefer a clan with a vent, I have a Logitech G330 headset.
I played alot of CS:S in my day but not much of it was competitive.
My KDR is around 1.5 right now but don't knock it until you play with me.
I'm looking for a clan with 30+ members that like to CW/Scrim OFTEN.
I hate playing with all random people because no one works together and it is no fun.
I can make whatever your clan point quota is and will also change my name to add a clan tag.
I will donate ZP to the clan on a monthly basis. I really want to be able to log on and find at least a few people from the clan online that want to cw and bring up their skills.
