update the forum rules

Here is my suggestion-update the forum rules

add more major rules and remove all the minor rules

add Gm's/MOD's/Users harrasment,ban evasion,users Impersonation,make the troll rule major and not minor

and remove all the minor rules!

the minor rules make this forum sad place based on fear and dictatorship...why some one need to think 1000 times before link to other version or go off-topic?

not to mention that gaming forums supposed to be fun and not for "conduct mature and boring conversations"

I have a lot of respect to the rules and I know that the rules was made for a reason...but I don't think that minor rules supposed to be punishable!

no one need to be "punished" for bumping threads :)


  • I kinda miss the minor infractions,i got immediately banned for every simple minore rule violation.
    Even got immediately ban becuase my post was on topic but not contributed lol :/
  • How about.. don't break the rules?

    You got perm banned on your main that's it. You keep trying to get it unbanned, won't happen Rus.
  • Creative_E wrote: »
    How about.. don't break the rules?

    that's what this thread is about!about the rules!!!

    the rules supposed to be :no insult/no hack/no scam...and tha'ts it

    and not no off topic/no links/no troll/no bump threads and another craps

    Creative_E wrote: »
    You got perm banned on your main that's it. You keep trying to get it unbanned, won't happen Rus

    you don't think that some thing was flawed in my ban?be banned for 10 minor infractions?MINOR!!

    it's like some one bump threads 10 times and got banned or some one go off-topic 10 times and got banned...I was banned because minor rules?o.O

    and that's why I made this thread...people should be punished only for hack and scam and serious offences and not for craps :)
  • Victor1502 wrote: »
    you don't think that some thing was flawed in my ban?be banned for 10 minor infractions?MINOR!!

    it's like some one bump threads 10 times and got banned or some one go off-topic 10 times and got banned...I was banned because minor rules?o.O

    and that's why I made this thread...people should be punished only for hack and scam and serious offences and not for craps :)

    There was nothing wrong with your ban. Infractions and bans are handed out as a punishment for breaking the rules. You are supposed to learn from them, but instead of learning you feel resentment and want to change the rules.

    You have been told of this dozens of times and you still keep asking for your account and the change of rules. There are only a few complaining about the forum rules and strangely it is always those who have no room to complain. Especially you.
  • Victor1502 wrote: »
    add more major rules and remove all the minor rules

    No, the minor infractions are useful to us to indicate that a rule has been broken, but not to such an extent that a ban is the next step - which the amount of infraction points of a major infraction causes.
    Victor1502 wrote: »
    add Gm's/MOD's/Users harrasment,ban evasion,users Impersonation,make the troll rule major and not minor

    There is a harassment rule, pretty big one too.
    "Do not harass other players or Staff members on these forums. Harassment cases will be treated by context and evidence must be provided or shown. If a player feels that they are being harassed they have the right to contact a moderator, gm or our support staff and cite examples of the case. At that point a ruling will be made by the staff member or moderator as to the type and severity of the action based on the case presented and the context of that case."

    Obviously it's usually the staff member himself who reviews harassment against himself, but I've never found that to be a problem.
    We do not need an infraction heading for Harassment specifically, got lots to choose from already.

    Same thing with "ban evasion" and "user impersonation", we have general headings that can be added to with messages. User impersonation won't be a rule anyway, such cases are decided on a situation-to-situation basis with the Harassment rule in mind.

    Trolling is both minor and major, and so it shall remain because it's not always major and it's not always minor.
    Victor1502 wrote: »
    and remove all the minor rules!

    Certainly not, as explained above.
    Victor1502 wrote: »
    the minor rules make this forum sad place based on fear and dictatorship...why some one need to think 1000 times before link to other version or go off-topic?

    There's no need to think 1000 times, but its certainly necessary to think a little.
    Reading the rules once should be enough for the averagely gifted human, they're not very complicated.
    Victor1502 wrote: »
    not to mention that gaming forums supposed to be fun and not for "conduct mature and boring conversations"

    You might think so. You'd be wrong. There is room for both.
    Victor1502 wrote: »
    I have a lot of respect to the rules and I know that the rules was made for a reason...but I don't think that minor rules supposed to be punishable!

    You seem confused about "minor rules" and "minor infractions". Allow me.

    There is only one infraction level that has the "minor" and "major" headings, "Insulting/Flaming/Trolling".
    Nothing in the rules describe what is major and what is minor, it's up to the moderator to decide whether the rule violation justifies a major or minor infraction.
    Someone who posts "you're fat" once in a heated discussion might be infracted as minor, or just warned.
    Someone who makes ten threads saying "Guy is fat!!!" is likely to be infracted under the major heading, if not banned on the spot.
    The first "you're fat" IS minor, and in my mind can't be infracted as major.
    The second "you're fat" IS major, and shouldn't - to me - be infracted as minor.
    They're both useful in their situations.

    This is none of your concern of course, because you shouldn't break the rules at all - don't call someone fat - and you'll never be a moderator so we'll handle the judging.
    Victor1502 wrote: »
    no one need to be "punished" for bumping threads :)

    Sure they do. Bumping a thread that has no relevance today is a rule violation, you'll find it in the rules that I'm sure you've read.

    Now, some rules are sketchy and might need adjustments. But we're not going to take popular vote on which rules to keep and which to adjust.
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4158995']There was nothing wrong with your ban. Infractions and bans are handed out as a punishment for breaking the rules. You are supposed to learn from them, but instead of learning you feel resentment and want to change the rules.

    You have been told of this dozens of times and you still keep asking for your account and the change of rules. There are only a few complaining about the forum rules and strangely it is always those who have no room to complain. Especially you.

    so what do you say?that I deserve my ban?without insult even 1 time ?without troll even 1 time ?without breaking a serious rule and without being banned even 1 time?(I talk about my main and not about my actions in my alts)

    be banned with out do any thing serious even 1 time?only for violates very small rules?

    [QUOTE='[MOD]. User impersonation won't be a rule anyway, such cases are decided on a situation-to-situation basis with the Harassment rule in mind[/QUOTE]

    User impersonation is not bannable ?really?someone pretending to me in the last 2 weeks,he use my forum name and my signature and say some thing like "I'm perfect and I speak 5 languages" in every thread(you got the point...he even try to talk like me)

    you want to tell me that I can't report this kid for impersonate me?:mad:

    Dot:Sure they do. Bumping a thread that has no relevance today is a rule violation, you'll find it in the rules that I'm sure you've read.

    you are a MOD and you don't know the rules "until the end"(properly)
    Thread Bumping

    1 point / expires in 7 days
    This infraction is given out for "bumping" topics for no logical reason. If you want to continue the discussion of a topic then post something that adds to it

    bumping threads is actually valid as long as you want to start old topic again...but you have to add some thing new and not only say "bumpppppp" :p

    as I sain on my other thread:
    keep spamming infractions and perm ban people for link to other version and go off-topic
    and other craps

    I'm sure you'll arrive very far if this attitude
    Correct my behavior from what?go off topic and bumping thread?o.O

    and it's the 2nd account not the first(they also ban my cow for pretending to GM )

    Let's talk numbers again

    the avarage forumer post like 2-5 posts each day(14-20 posts each week 28-40 evert 2 weeks)

    it's only logical and natural that even the most "Careful" forumer will make 1 mistake once every 2 weeks

    2 weeks=1 infraction
    20 weeks=6 months=10 infractions=perm ban

    so even the most "careful forumer" will find himself banned after 6 months because of this "10 infractions=perm ban system"

    so what about people who are not careful?how long they will survive? o.O

    you can't keep spam infractions for Violate minor rules you don't get it?it will lead to perm bans of 30-50% of the forum and that would defeat the entire system

    I don't think you understood the point on this thread,I don't want to remove the minor rules,they're actually necessary for keep the order and organization of the forum

    I only think that minor rules not supposed to be intractable and of course not bannable...and that's it ! :)
  • Victor1502 wrote: »
    so what do you say?that I deserve my ban?without insult even 1 time ?without troll even 1 time ?without breaking a serious rule and without being banned even 1 time?(I talk about my main and not about my actions in my alts)

    be banned with out do any thing serious even 1 time?only for violates very small rules?

    What you are doing is exactly like making an alt just to hack on it. Both are detestable.

    Yes, I still think you deserved it. They were even lenient with you by only banning your main account according to your separate violations.
  • Victor1502 wrote: »
    Right, I'm not going to try and quote because that post was a mess.

    Yes, user impersonation CAN be infractionable or bannable. I said we decide that on a case to case basis, because it can sometimes be hard to tell.
    My forum name is very similar to one of a previous moderator. If we were to blanket ban for impersonation, I'd have to ban him. Awkward.
    We can't go around searching for impersonators, so we expect people who feel abused to tell us.

    We DON'T spam infractions for minor rule violations, even if we could.
    It's left to our judgement, which mostly works very well and it takes a very special kind of person to receive several infractions, warnings and messages and not look over his behaviour.