Bans order

Let's try again(this time i'll try to explain myself better:p)

imagine this situation:

some one make a troll thread from my 1 account and get banned...after this je make new account and come back with another troll thread and after this the MODS give me another 30 days ban!

30 days ban to new account with clean history?

they can't give ban to new account and of curse not 30 days!all you can do with new account is give warnings or infractions!

and why 1 mod give me 5 points another mod 7 days ban and 3rd mod give me 30 days?

I think most of you will agree that bans order that the MODS have to be bound to this order will reduce the MOD powers abuse to 0% !!!

Here is another theory about this "collect points system",imagine this situation:

one lovely day you log into the game and find youself perm banned,after this you send a ticket and ask why you was banned and the support answaer some thing like this

"your account was banned because the game collected minor offences from your account since the day your account was created:2.10.2014 racist macros/21.5.2013 scam/3.2.2011 macros for BM/1.11.2011 link to s**xual sites... etc etc etc etc etc etc

I'm the only one who see the absurd?o.O

they cant give 30 days ban to new accounts with clean history and cant "collect points' from 5 years ago and make "over-all" result ...they cany they just cant :mad:


  • They can do whatever they want to keep you off the forums.

    That's It you got banned for making dumb threads/posts.

    When will you learn?

    But for your "situation" maybe because it's the same guy with a different forum account, they already know what you'll do, so they ban you right away.

    /close. Thanks. Hue. Banhimoncemore.
  • How comes you're the only one having such problems? Sorry but you had it coming.

    I suggest you stop making such threads, they are annoying and worthless. I'm pretty sure your account will not be unbanned.
  • for those from you who don't understand what order I'm talking about so I want to match between the forum bans order and x-trap ban order

    infraction+infraction/7 days/14 days/30 days/forever

    you dont see x-trap make decisions of his own and decide to who give bans and how long they will be right?

    so why MODs can make decide?it's so unprofessional and baseless!on whats ground they make their decisions?o.O

    it's all about question of abuse powers... and that's why I make this thread :mad:
    Creative_E wrote: »

    you didnt even answer the thread...why should it be closet?o.O

    and no they cant "do what ever they want" :mad:
    Dawgzz wrote: »
    How comes you're the only one having such problems? Sorry but you had it coming.

    I suggest you stop making such threads, they are annoying and worthless. I'm pretty sure your account will not be unbanned.

    and what you think about my ban?I called a certain MOD "mentally ill" and he gave me perm ban!

    not to menation that this my first ban on my main so perm ban as first ban make so sense

    the ban message says:"insults"...and when I ask people so 110% of them agree with me that "mentally ill" is not insult!

    mod harassment?there is no a rule about this and even if there was so I didn't harassment anyone!!!awhere exactly the "harassment" on ask from him to delete a thread?(ask from him to delete the mess he made by himself)

    so what do you think?
  • You fail to understand the reason behind your infractions.

    You did not get permanently banned just for insulting a mod. You broke the rules on many accounts in numerous cases. You reached the point where you could be banned permanently, so you have no room to complain about it.

    Making new accounts just to get banned on those instead of your main is also pointless. They know who you are and they won't be as lenient with you as they would be with someone with a clear history.
  • They can.

    they can't
    ' wrote:
    Sake;4156165']You fail to understand the reason behind your infractions.

    You did not get permanently banned just for insulting a mod. You broke the rules on many accounts in numerous cases. You reached the point where you could be banned permanently, so you have no room to complain about it.

    Making new accounts just to get banned on those instead of your main is also pointless. They know who you are and they won't be as lenient with you as they would be with someone with a clear history.

    make "Include/calculation" out of the bans of the same users on 30 different account and to "mix" between them is also not legit!

    they have to make valid decisions and treat each account separately!

    if I make account and make troll thread and get 30 days ban and after this make new account and make another troll they can give me another 30 days ban?only because the last ban from 2 minuets ago was also 30 days?now all my bans will be 30 days for the first ban no matter if this new account or not?o.O

    and on what grounds they banned me?for misinterpreted calling him "crazy"?

    I didnt even insult him so it's kinda contradictory the ban reason!

    and no they cant look at my infractions from 3 years ago and make "over all result" out of them!l!!...ike Seriously they collect 100 different minor offences from 5 years ago and refine it to perm ban?o.O

    perm ban for first ban? without warnings?without inform ago?o.O
  • make "Include/calculation" out of the bans of the same users on 30 different account nad do "match" between them is also not legit!

    It is.
    they have to make valid decisions and and treat each account separately!

    No, they don't.
    You are basically saying that if a criminal changed name he should get a clean criminal record.
    if I make account and make troll thread and get 30 days ban and after this make new account and make another troll they can give me another 30 days ban?only because the last ban from 2 minuets ago was also 30 days?now all my bans will be 30 days for the first ban no matter if this new account or not?o.O

    Yes they can.
    and on what grounds they banned me?for misinterpreted calling him "crazy"?

    I didnt even insult him so it's kinda contradictory the ban reason!

    I didn't see the said post in which you insulted a moderator, but from all the abomination you posted so far, I'm pretty sure you deserved it.
    and no they cant look at my infractions from 3 years ago and make "over all result" out of them!l!!...ike Seriously they collect 100 different minor offences from 5 years ago and refine it to perm ban?o.O

    Your argument is invalid. You didn't break the rules 3 or 5 years ago, you broke them recently.
    perm ban for first ban? without warnings?without inform ago?o.O

    Without warnings? After all those infractions?
    You are awfully delusional.
  • ' wrote:
    Sake;4156165']You fail to understand the reason behind your infractions.

    You did not get permanently banned just for insulting a mod. You broke the rules on many accounts in numerous cases. You reached the point where you could be banned permanently, so you have no room to complain about it.

    Making new accounts just to get banned on those instead of your main is also pointless. They know who you are and they won't be as lenient with you as they would be with someone with a clear history.

    Thank you for the proper response Sake, I appreciate it.

    To conclude this once again, I'd like to again highlight the fact that infractions forever remain on your forum account. They are never erased, and continue to stack with each infraction and their given point values. Permanent bans are automatic, no we do and can not permanently ban users on their first offense (unless he/she already has 9 previous infractions).

    [MOD]dot obviously has his own reasons. I don't like to interfere with other guys' final decisions. But we have every right to punish you for simple rules you fail to abide by. Yes, we will ban you if you decide to hop on an alt after being banned on another account. This is ban evasion and I personally believe users do not deserve to be attached with this forum after 10 infractions. You continuously harass and humiliate each one of us, former staff, as well as other community members. This is clear in our eyes, and we absolutely take note of it. However, there is a support center. The GMs do accept disputes against moderator action.

    The bottom line is, you personally do not deserve any chances until you've rightfully 'earned' them by adjusting and starting to abide by our forum rules. The fact that you still try to argue against infractions issued against you is disgusting, considering you continuously attempt to troll and insult others. And as far as ban 'orders' go, no we don't need to follow x-trap's automatic ban system. We're not robots and we don't follow a systematic ban order.
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