
Owners of the game need to enable forum moderators and certain members to ban players instantly. Without question what, how, why, when.. I will not put single dollar in this game if this is not corrected. I am feeling like an fool, and if you dont make this right I and certainly there is others we will not put money on this game any more.


  • iZeroChan wrote: »
    Because that totally couldn't be abused.

    Lier .___________________.
  • Support. I have put thousands of dollars and hours into this game :) Now I do not play. Random checkup on forums today. - GrimReaper
  • iZeroChan wrote: »
    Because that totally couldn't be abused.

    Yep, the main problem with this idea.

    However, we have discussed this topic many times and found ways to prevent power abuse. Best example is this thread.
  • Forum moderators are not associated with Z8games in any way. They're normal players like you and me. They have good days and they have bad ones. And there can't be any legal consequences if they abuse banning powers.

    Do you really want your account to depend on people you might just have enraged by killing them and who will never face any dire consequence (and no, losing MOD status is NOT what I would call a dire consequence) if they banned you just because they disliked you?

    What would happen if this was introduced?
    Forums and the support system would overflow with more threads and messages of player's claiming that their ban was unjustified.
    This would even further impede support's ability to respond to players. And MODs would have to remove even more unnecessary threads.

    Also, if you gave normal players (like MODs) the power to ban, you would take away the objective ground on which it can be decided if a player hacks or not. Replays are a unified, common ground, based on which support can decide whether there is an illegal program involved or not.
    GMs have banning power, yes, but they're an exception since they're constrained by legal consequences and their responsibility. They run the business after all and would face financial ruin if they abused their powers, much unlike MODs.

    I admit that your idea may sound intriguing to you and others, but always keep in mind that it would suddenly lose a large amount of its appeal if you were the one getting banned by a MOD without justification. And that could easily happen.

    best regards,
  • Sorry, but due obvious reasons we cannot give the power to ban to players. Only GMs employed at Smilegate West can action violations in CFNA.
    Regarding errors and glitches in the game our QA team is monitoring the game all the time and is testing new content. Anything that is not caught by the QAs you can report to support or in the technical forum.
    Thank you!

    This is a solid answer from one of the current employees at Smilegate West. She is right, and reflects the proposals that have been denied by Smilegate Korea ever since these suggestions were first presented to the developers (SG KR).

    Note that SG West is not SG KR. It's a smaller, more localized, portal under Smilegate that was established so managers could execute the mission to keep the game running. SGW is in Toronto, Canada and SGKR is near Seoul, South Korea. The point I'm making is that it isn't any GM's fault that this game is in this current state and condition. This neglect came from the developers in Korea and in my opinion started happening in December 2012. I have always believed that the "golden age" of CFNA/UK wrapped up since late 2012. This is not something I like to note, but it is the utter, most terrible truth of all. The developers have left a load of crap for the current GMs to deal with, which they cannot, by all means. So back on topic, the practicality (the chances) of this happening is really unlikely.

    Also I'd like to mention another part of it - the willingness of current moderators and specially-chosen trustees. Up to now, moderators are just forum mods. We have no ties with Smilegate West and do not have official statuses under the company. We are volunteers, and our control/power really only resides on these forums. Some of us do help the GMs out on various aspects of the game, separate from the forum duties we commit our time into. Any duties regarding aspects of the game: reporting cheaters and malicious websites and programs and violators, spotting out and informing of certain issues, providing updates to technical errors, and other miscellaneous activity... is all voluntary work. We are not paid real $ like SGW employees themselves, to us it's not a job. It's voluntary service, commitment and faithfulness to the game.

    Personally, I would refuse working to patrol the game and ban players for hacking or whatever reason (even if I could). The reason is very simple: I don't have the time and interest for it. I am not interested in sitting around and patrol a game for no pay. I have a wonderful education and I also work 5 out of 7 days of a week. I balance my classes with my work schedules, and it's a routine for me. My free time is very limited (as it should be for every moderator). Any free time I have is reserved for taking time to post the few posts I do on an almost-daily basis, and getting involved in playing games (excluding CrossFire, unfortunately. Heck, I haven't even patched my client and haven't played for weeks. I'm quite aware that some of us have not played for weeks as well, perhaps even months since 2014. I am very lenient toward games that are user-friendly and interactive. The developers don't seem very friendly to me and like I said and have noticed, they don't seem to pay much (if any) attention to CFNA/UK. I can bet you that they have never been on these forums, and that they don't have a clue who you and I (or anyone on these forums) are. It is a very unfortunate thing and I'm especially disappointed having to move on from playing CF and enjoy other games (as I have been for a long time now, probably since 2012).
  • This is a solid answer from one of the current employees at Smilegate West. She is right, and reflects the proposals that have been denied by Smilegate Korea ever since these suggestions were first presented to the developers (SG KR).

    Ban abusing by nonz8 employee is definitely very harmful, and we find no reason to have it pass.

    However, besides ban, can we have the option to let host kick right away and block the hacker from entering the room till the host leave the room? There is no ban needed, and no patrol needed. MoDs can also have the power, e.g., once played in the room, can give review scores to the host. The review score is just informative, and does not involve any money and account.
  • you should learn from their answers i have never knew that they aren't get payed i fell sorry for you i understand now your issue with players