Boku Service Outage for Lituania - Dec. 30 ~ Jan. 5
Attention Lituanian Players,
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but please note that Boku will temporarily be unavailable in Lituania. Please find the Service Outage Period below:
Unavailable from: December 30, 2014
Will be available starting: January 5, 2015
As always, if you experience any issues with Boku after January 5, please do not hesitate to send a support ticket, and we will help your issues as best as we can.
Thank you for your understanding, and Happy New Year!
-Z8Games Team
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but please note that Boku will temporarily be unavailable in Lituania. Please find the Service Outage Period below:
Unavailable from: December 30, 2014
Will be available starting: January 5, 2015
As always, if you experience any issues with Boku after January 5, please do not hesitate to send a support ticket, and we will help your issues as best as we can.
Thank you for your understanding, and Happy New Year!
-Z8Games Team
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