Website Time Out

Hey all,

Hoping someone may have an answer for my problem.

A few days ago i tried to access this website but the page was hanging and eventually i was getting a timed out page. I thought the site must be down.

With it being Xmas i haven't had as lot of time to visit the website so never thought much of it. I tried a few times and still nothing. Today i tried to access it using a proxy and i got to view the site with no problems.

Things i have tried today....

3 computers - all result in the timed out page.
4 Smartphones - all result in the timed out page.
Reset the Router - acheived nothing.
Connected a laptop with an ethernet cable - resulted in the time out page.
I can log into the game normally with no problems at all.

I'm in the UK and using Virgin Media. Has anyone else had these problems or anyone know what may be causing it?

I don't want to use a proxy each time i want to visit the site and this is the only site i am having problems with.

Any help much appreciated, thx ;)