Looking for specific clan.

Hey guys and gals, my IGN is Wizardry. What I'm mainly looking for is a clan that has mostly older members such as from 18-30. English should be the first language and of course a NA clan. I am very picky so this makes it hard for me, I don't rather like seeing any immature names and I have a big pet peeve on individuals who don't use capitalization on the clan name. For example if your clan name is "witchcraft" the first letter should be capitalized and not this train wreck of a clan name " WiTcHcRaFt". Back about 3 years ago I was apart of a great group of guys and gals and I can't find that anywhere. So, if anyone has a suggestion or clan they could use another member that meets this criteria please feel free to comment or send me a PM in-game.

Thanks for taking the time to read.
