Remembering the legends
Yeah. There was a lot of trash talking, competitiveness, streams, etc. The community was strong and especially the editing/youtube scene. For a time, being on a top tier team made you feel really good and accomplished. Being called a pro back then was deserving, but now, I'm not as sure. It was good times, there was always something going on in every minute. Hell, echo-8 got filled a couple times with so many scrims going on.
pug days were fun -
the only thing xanax ever left a mark on was BL spawn
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHASounds like CF was a lot more fun back then.
It was amazing back then and it would be awesome if we built it back to that level again.pug days were fun
Krazy's pugs (CFPGL I think it was called) -
I remember never wanting to scrim xanax because we could get in 2 normal scrims by the time we got done scrimming xanax. We would go practice in cw server instead.
I remember refreshing the WOGL banlist every day hoping to see some guys appear on it. A surprisingly large amount of people eventually made it on there. NEVER FORGET WOGL-B. -
team liquid and ROC, only two teams that could consistently roflstomp people. Names worth mentioning that I played with on tL, tastylimes, treni, rambo, tropiks, dellz, sufur, minty, gandhi, slaykip, I know I'm missing some sorry, memory sucks. People that I played with on ROC, dellz, Rufus, doughner, surprise, ajken, xerath, 99thc, forgetting a few more, butchered some names, sorry
I was told that Slaya was the ultimate legend.
Can anyone confirm?
Haha no he wasn't a legend, but he was very active. He was an Aussie with like 300 ping but somehow made it on good teams. His ping was so high I don't think he was able to play in any tournaments though.
I let him barrow my main steam account so he could play source and he got it VAC banned after a day. I lost about $200 and he just said sorry.
I think if anyone was a legend, it was Sheepbacon. Undeniably one of the best if not the best of all time to touch this game. If you type his name on youtube there are pages of his frags and montages he appeared in. [ He played on my team btw]
Haha no he wasn't a legend, but he was very active. He was an Aussie with like 300 ping but somehow made it on good teams. His ping was so high I don't think he was able to play in any tournaments though.
I let him barrow my main steam account so he could play source and he got it VAC banned after a day. I lost about $200 and he just said sorry.
I think if anyone was a legend, it was Sheepbacon. Undeniably one of the best if not the best of all time to touch this game. If you type his name on youtube there are pages of his frags and montages he appeared in. [ He played on my team btw]
Sheepbacon got banned for cheating in ESG if you were unaware
btw slaya is lionwcyd -
I've was introduced to the competitive scene back in 2012 so I dont really know any of the old players.
So who are some legends that left their mark on CF?
Pretty sure [GM]Saidin made his mark on the competitive scene. But that's only because I was the most fun person to party with during international competitions.
Though he's been stripped of all powers apparently I still get to keep my [GM] tag..
And I can't help but check the forums from time to time! Merry Christmas everyone. -
[gm]saidin wrote: »pretty sure [gm]saidin made his mark on the competitive scene. But that's only because i was the most fun person to party with during international competitions.
Though he's been stripped of all powers apparently i still get to keep my [gm] tag..
And i can't help but check the forums from time to time! Merry christmas everyone..
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