weapon and GP trading

would you guys be able to add that process where people can trade guns or trade GP with other people that would be a great option


  • This is a good idea, but I'm afraid that everyone will exploit this by making new accounts and transfer their GP (that they earn by rank promotions) to their main accounts.

    Perhaps some form of way that it cant be exploited then this'd be a great feature.

    Nevertheless, I'm feel that this may never will be considered.
  • you just had to say that.Now we will never get our favorite guns
  • clan problem

    why can`t a lietunant not make a new clan mark also when the leader say yes because my friend have much gpp and i don`t so he will buy the clan mark plz make that so my friend can make one
  • G'Day Mates

    Well mates the problem with this is the sheer influx of accounts that are idle. Currently the game designers aren't deleting accounts that are idle for 3 months or so. So that strain plus the massive amounts of idle accounts that would be made instantly if that were possible.

    This could be remedied by possibly making a level limit. Say you can only transfer GP account to account, when said accounts are both over the rank of captain.

    The simple downfall of this idea is that you can already buy GP for an account using actual cash. For 14400 ZP points you can buy 120K GP and a hazard name tag. I have done this 4 or 5 times already. 14400 ZP points is approximately 14.40 cents USD, so with all likely hood, you spend more money getting a value meal with a large drink at McDonalds.

    With the new game cards that are now available to buy with real money at some super markets it's now very easy to get ZP. Although you'll have to wait a few days, while if you use PayPal, like I do, you will get your ZP instantly

    Each month I spend around 50 dollars on the game. I've bought and use every weapon and game upgrade from the SPOP to the Greater Good Spray item. I am currently trying to get the AK-Scope Damn the torpedoes I'm spending another 70 bucks tonight, I may get it this time :D

    If Ya Can't Shoot Em' Bite Em',
  • wow Jak.. you are like supporting a freeware game with all of that money hahahah.. personally I would rather get some fatty Mc D's and play CF at the same time.. just saying XD
  • People would abuse this function, and I'm pretty sure lots of people can cope with not buying ZP and can stick with GP only items, thus reducing ZP sales, which is needed to make CrossFire exist
  • It would be nice to at least be able to transfer ZP.
    I have an account I've abandoned that still has some ZP points in it and I would very much like to transfer it to this account.
    I don't think it would be agood idea to allow the transfer of GP, because then yes, all that would happen is people creating accounts for the purpose of sending the GP to their main account.
  • I will be a great option. I hope it will appear soon