Hey, Guitar People...

Help me decide on a new axe! I've numbered by picks down to two guitars so I'll show them bellow but if you think you can suggest something better for me feel free to. I mostly play metal (Children of Bodom, Metallica, ect..) and have a budget of about $1,000 USD.

Alexi's ESP LTD Greeny-600 Model:
Yea I know it doesn't compare to his ESP but still a sick guitar :). Alexi is the man!

Click pic for specifications

Jackson RRMG Pro:
Great guitars for the value IMO. If I do get it I will do the metallic Grey, not the satin black version.
Click pic for link for specifications

So as you can tell I really like the RR V models. So what should I go for!?! If you really don't know much about guitars but still want to give me an opinion feel free to comment from an aesthetics standpoint hah.
