Making scrim clip montages
Send me your clips and I'll edit them for you. I'm honestly just bored.
-in-game recordings only
-don't send me clips that are already edited, they gotta be raw clips(like tonys bars)
-good clips, only 3ks+ and 1deags / flicks etc..
I chose song unless you recommend me one I like. The video is also going on my channel (in sig)
@willer of god
Send me your ****ing clips already
-in-game recordings only
-don't send me clips that are already edited, they gotta be raw clips(like tonys bars)
-good clips, only 3ks+ and 1deags / flicks etc..
I chose song unless you recommend me one I like. The video is also going on my channel (in sig)
@willer of god
Send me your ****ing clips already
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