Room Options Bugged

So a friend and I were just going to test something real quick and as we were trying to change it to Ankara, it kept sending us to Mexico. At first it was saying Ankara S&D with the Ankara picture, then after a game it changed to the words being 'Mexico S&D' and the Ankara picture (as seen in the SS).

We have tried to change rooms, change hosts, change servers, nothing worked.
This has also happened in a clan war last night (we played TDM)... We changed it to 0 seconds, and it kept switching it back to 10 seconds, and when we entered the game... it was a 10 second respawn.

Edit: The 10 second thing was only buggy in the lobby. It showed 10 seconds, but in fact we were respawning at 0 seconds. Sorry for the misunderstanding.