Bouygues Telecom - Outage 11/27
Attention to our French Players,
Please note that due to a network configuration change, SMS & PayByCall payments on our deposit page will be temporarily unavailable to French Players who use the Bouygues Telecom Services.
Outage Time:
Start date and time (EST): 2014-11-27 @ 00:00
End date and time (EST): 2014-11-27 @ 06:00
Thank you for your patience and understanding,
-Z8Games Team
Please note that due to a network configuration change, SMS & PayByCall payments on our deposit page will be temporarily unavailable to French Players who use the Bouygues Telecom Services.
Outage Time:
Start date and time (EST): 2014-11-27 @ 00:00
End date and time (EST): 2014-11-27 @ 06:00
Thank you for your patience and understanding,
-Z8Games Team
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