Ferguson Missouri Murder Verdict


• I know this is a young community, and I will follow all the forum guidelines, but I want people who have serious thoughts on this to post them. Keep your thoughts clear from straight up insults and bad language whenever possible. I'd like to keep this open for awhile.

I thought that officer Darren Wilson's trial verdict for the murder of Michael Brown was a no-brainer to begin with. Aside from the fact that I don't fully trust some of the evidence brought forth, a man whose job is to serve and protect should not resort to shooting a man who is only minimally armed.

But that's enough for now. I'm interested in what you all have to say.

I understand that up to this point I've been ignoring a larger portion of the CF community from other countries, as what I'm talking about only applies to Americans. If any of you wish to express your thoughts, please do so.

So that's it. Post away.
