gas grenade.

hi im a loyal fair playing player i will like to know if there any way there will be able to add a gas grenade. not a smoke grenade i seen it be for in this kind of game be for i mean a free to play game. if u can make and add a gas grenade u can make it lose 10hp ever 6 sec in the gas in less u have a gas mask i know u have a character that comes equipped with a gas mask. i do not know how it will work if u can add a gas grenade and gas mask . u can make them a item shop item for a weapon and a character item for zp's. u will have a lot buying them it will just be kool to use them in crossfire. i know this may not work but i was thinking i would give it a shot. hay the best feed back is from us loyal fair playing player that play ever day.

French first to use poison gas26mm grenades) xylyl bromide on Germans in 1914, used to stop German troops from marching thru Belgium & into NE France
First German use of chemical gas -> Battle of Bolimov, w/ 18,000 artillery shells of xylyl bromide tear gas on Russians on Rawka River
Poison gas used more as irritant than as killer -> became answer to war's lack of mobility.
First openly and deliberately used in offense @ Battle of Ypres in April 1915 - French thought yellow cloud was a smokescreen so prepared a frontline outside of trenches..... DEVASTATION!
By late 1915 both British England and Germany used pressurized cylinders to fire chlorine; risk of wind blowing back into home team (2,000 casualties for English b/c of wind)


  • 1-3 hp per second or so would be awesome, if we imagine a cloud similar in size to a regular smoke nade.
    6 seconds is enough to cross a half a map, so thats a little too high I think

    Doesn't seem impossible, the game can already deal damage if you're in a certain position.. just have to work it in to a dynamic position..
  • yea how they put the gas grenade they were not for killing the enemies in ww1 just to slow them down on there health
  • The medic in wave mode already has something similar, I guess it could be cool in different modes too.
  • it will not ruin S&D at all.really how much player's add zp's to the game not many at all and if they do add zp's to the game they just wast them in black market anyway . may be put the gas mask as a gp item 7500k gp for 7 days 14000k for 30days and 21000k for 90days that way for them that do buy the gas grenade will not feel cheated. that will make it fair for all players.just a idea to spice up the game a little i was thinking if it can be added just make us ether pick from the smoke grenade or the gas grenade do not have to make a new slot for it :)
  • Am i the only one who thinks that this is ridiculous suggestion ?
    Just leave the game as it is and everything will be fine because every time they think they're improving the game,they're actually turning it into pay to win game.
  • lxYzl.... this is not a ridiculous suggestion what about someone running around with full body armor it is just a way to work around body armor. u may agree with me or not i do not care. body armor give u a ac of 100 but in fair u can say u have about 150 hp when counting your ac and hp together and who care if it is be coming a pay to win game the vip guns f that one up may be it will show the hackers to stay out of the game. we all know when they speed in the game it is hard to hit them.maybe the gas grenade will help us kill them :) plus this is a war game gas grenade have been a big part of history in war since ww1.
  • silly1985 wrote: »
    lplus this is a war game gas grenade have been a big part of history in war since ww1.

    As long as you really want to through gases every where,be the medic in wave mode matches and keep the other modes save.No way in hell that the gas grenade will help to keep the hackers out of the game.
  • Dupess wrote: »
    The medic in wave mode already has something similar, I guess it could be cool in different modes too.

    Yeah that's exactly what I thought. It might not work well is small maps though. There's a reason why TDM rooms are set to 'grenades only' by default.
  • but in team death match u can make the game u host able to use flash and smoke grenade
  • Not sure it would work well in TDM, too much spawn trapping.

    I'm thinking more like blocking routes temporarily, say catwalk on BW, blue doors on EE or what have you.
  • [MOD]dot u r right it will not work in team death match to well but in S&D it will be good. like u said blocking routes temporarily will be the good strategy in S&D games .will be good to do make the enemies use a different routes in S&D. only if they do not have a gas mask make the gas mask as a gp item will make it a lot fair to all. im just want to spice the game up a bit. the only thing for the most part that is different in the game is the guns but the guns are the same guns with different skins.
  • Quite op actually look at this scenario.

    1v1 in snd, 1 plant the bomb and throw down this gas nade next to the bomb.

    then he deals 99 dmg to the gr then dies. The gr then wouldnt be able to defuse now normally that would be a win.
  • im not saying have the gas grenade do 99 dmg to someone only 1to5 dam every 4 to 5 sec in the gas. and if u do not have fast defuse it take like 10 sec to defuse the c4. 5 sec with fast defuse listen gay azz Call of Duty have a gas grenade and one of crossfire competitor have one to. im not saying everyone will be defenseless from the gas grenade a gas mask will not evening have u lose 1 hp . i just will like to see something new in the game
  • If 8 players from the same team in S&D have that nade it's unplayable. There will be gas everywhere. Before you know it you will be death. You can throw gas grenades after planting the bomb and nobody has a chance to defuse the bomb. The idea is cool but it will be to overpowerd. You can't use that gas grenade in S&D and TD. Because it's to powerfull. Escape mode same story. Gas the escape point and ppl will die fast.
    It would be cool in some modes. ZM,MM.
  • everyone is forgetting i said about a gas mask to.with a gas mask u will not take no dmg at all if you have one on. if they can make the gas mask a gp item that will give everyone a fighting chance against the gas grenade.really it is not that hard to save up gp's in the game.just think of the strategy u can use with the gas grenade.

    [/QUOTE] plus this is a war game gas grenade have been a big part of history in war since ww1.[/QUOTE]
  • lxYzl wrote: »
    silly1985 wrote: »
    plus this is a war game gas grenade have been a big part of history in war since ww1.
    As long as you really want to through gases every where,be the medic in wave mode matches and keep the other modes save.

    It's not a strategical game,that's where this thread ends.
    Btw i can teach you how to use the forums perfectly well if you want (aka "Learn from the best" :p )
  • lxYzl what u mean not a strategical game. u can trap someone at b or a side in EE plant the c4 smoke the rush to the tower and snip them is how u trap them . may not be a strategical game to u. u must be one of them ppl that run around with a rpk spraying and yes im just a little major first time posting in forums who cares.this thread is still open in my eyes :)