"One day only" Cupon revivals

I would like to take your time to ask for a "One day only" gunchange in the cupon market. It's been almost 3 years since the RPK-Camo was taken out forever in CF. But I really think this gun together with an advanced version like USP-Camo needs a come back (for one day). Players will get the chance to buy it permanent for 80 or 100 Cupons. Another idea of mine is to get new gold skins. the Anaconda is great and even the Winchester makes a lot of fun but the majority of CF doesn't want to pay like 100 CP for guns that are also featured in the GP black market. Please give us the Mauser Broomhandle Gold and a golden Thompsen. Both guns perform well in other CF variants.

Thanks for taking the time

Kind regards

Mike aka Doppelcorny1
