help me with this xtrap error pleaseeeee
help me pleaseeeee. ive re-installed it 3 times already
Here you can download the latest version of Xtrap manually
If your automatic download of Xtrap is failing.
Unzip the file you downloaded and move the x-trap folder (which is inside the ZIP Archiving) inside your CrossFire folder. The windows will ask if you want to overwrite all files. Press YES.
To find your CrossFire folder:
1) Click the right mouse button on the icon IN CrossFire on your desktop and select the "Open the Local Archiving" option or go to Computer -> Program Files (x86) -> CrossFire NA
2) Inside the CrossFire NA folder, you will find the X-Trap folder. Replace it with the newly downloaded!
3) Minimize the folder and Start the game normally.
To download the latest version of X-Trap
Click on the link below.
How do I know in my case I need to manually download?
• code_field 10-0300-800C0008-104
This error appears when there was a failure to download the update from Xtrap due to blockage of the antivirus or firewall.
In this case, please disable your firewall, make sure your internet is connected and functioning normally, and try again.
If the problem persists, download the update manually Xtrap available in this topic, the above link, and move files
manually to the folder Xtrap inside your CrossFire folder.
I downloaded the updated folder of X-trap and the problem persists. And now?
• Delete the folder Xtrap.
• Go to the Windows/System32/Drivers/Etc folder and find a file called host.ics, this file contains the IP and the download site version.ini.
Host.ics delete the file (save a copy just in case), open the game and wait for the Xtrap upgrade to the new files. -
here you can download the latest version of xtrap manually
if your automatic download of xtrap is failing.
Unzip the file you downloaded and move the x-trap folder (which is inside the zip archiving) inside your crossfire folder. The windows will ask if you want to overwrite all files. Press yes.
To find your crossfire folder:
1) click the right mouse button on the icon in crossfire on your desktop and select the "open the local archiving" option or go to computer -> program files (x86) -> crossfire na
2) inside the crossfire na folder, you will find the x-trap folder. Replace it with the newly downloaded!
3) minimize the folder and start the game normally.
To download the latest version of x-trap
click on the link below.
how do i know in my case i need to manually download?
• code_field 10-0300-800c0008-104
this error appears when there was a failure to download the update from xtrap due to blockage of the antivirus or firewall.
In this case, please disable your firewall, make sure your internet is connected and functioning normally, and try again.
If the problem persists, download the update manually xtrap available in this topic, the above link, and move files
manually to the folder xtrap inside your crossfire folder.
I downloaded the updated folder of x-trap and the problem persists. And now?
• delete the folder xtrap.
• go to the windows/system32/drivers/etc folder and find a file called host.ics, this file contains the ip and the download site version.ini.
Host.ics delete the file (save a copy just in case), open the game and wait for the xtrap upgrade to the new files.
you're the man!!!!!!!!!! Thank u
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