FinalReality - New Scrim Clan

We were made not too long ago but are doing very good in scrims. Our team has been around since the clan compLsion; when we all met. Our strats in Port, Black Widow, and Eagle Eyes are the best. We like to clutch alot in times that we need.

Rules: No whining, no hacking, no glitching, no cheating whatsoever.

How to join? Positive KDR, Vent, skill, and knowledge.

What we are aiming for: Be 1 of the top scrim teams. Small(Under 25 members). Keep out noobs, scrubs, hackers, glitchers, and baddies.

Leader: Meeeee (---Snipes---)
LTs: iCrZyShOtz, XxRichardxX

XFire: 21snipes12
Clan link:

P.S. - We perfer a tryout with a leader or LT.

Thx for your time.