KissMyAce is recruiting~

We're like 1.5 weeks old, rank 6215 (pretty good for only 5ish people, I'd think), and mainly GM clan. Well that's all most of us play...We scrim, I can't say a lot because iunno how much is a lot compared to other clans, but yeah, we scrim...

Steps to joining the clan:
1. apply at the clan page
2. go to and make an application under the aptly named section "Applications" (NO REGISTERING NEEDED)
3. we'll contact you in-game and you'll do a 1v1 probably TD and GM
4. after you 1v1 and we read your app, you'll be either accepted or ask to try again later

FYI: we use mics and ventrilo, we're a "co-ed" clan, meaning we have guys and girls

any questions? my AIM is "coheedseer", just IM me if you got anything bothering you...