how to shoot,,,
hello 2 the whole forum,,,, my friend forumerEG has shown me how to do shootings in game with perfect rate of headshot,,,he advase me to make sticky for u,,,because he is clevar forumer and all love him,,,ofcourse,,,
1.) make sure shoot button is left click in option,,,
2.) make sure you have gun in back 1,,,,
5.) make sure you are using primary gun,,,,ex {m4,ak,m12s},,,
6.) when primary gun out,,,hold click down for 1 second then let him go,,
7.) this is how to shoot,,,
9.) to make perfect shot do this,,, see enemy,,,,make the blue shape near enemy
10.) when shape is on enemy nose,,press click once but keep in mind step 1 ' 7
3.) perfect headshot,,
ty all for reading i have insperation from 124ahmed124 best farmer 2014 and he will teach all,,,,please learn from him,,,
1.) make sure shoot button is left click in option,,,
2.) make sure you have gun in back 1,,,,
5.) make sure you are using primary gun,,,,ex {m4,ak,m12s},,,
6.) when primary gun out,,,hold click down for 1 second then let him go,,
7.) this is how to shoot,,,
9.) to make perfect shot do this,,, see enemy,,,,make the blue shape near enemy
10.) when shape is on enemy nose,,press click once but keep in mind step 1 ' 7
3.) perfect headshot,,
ty all for reading i have insperation from 124ahmed124 best farmer 2014 and he will teach all,,,,please learn from him,,,
Im praying this is a joke...
I'm afraid he's not xDAlwaysSnipin wrote: »CrossFire Guides selection has died.
All these stupid Guides are being made.
Check my guide tho !! If you gave it some love I can make more ^^This is almost more funnier than thinking about z8 banning every body that's hacks
You made me laugh, good statement ^.^
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