Gun Skins ( Also suggestion for BP )

( If you played CS GO you would understand what I am suggesting )

Too many reskins for guns that do the same as other reskin gun.

I don't see the point of having to win the same gun over and over again to just use one of the skins because all of them do everything the same ( Damage Speed Ammo ) so why don't we just make a crate filled with skins for guns.

I am not saying that reskins shouldn't be in the BM but they need to have a reason to be there like having better damage, speed or ammo.

For the skins just make a crates filled with perm skins for BP and just let people buy them to waste money since they don't need it and everything would just be perm.

Let's say a Skin Crate was made:

The crate would have 20 skins.

All of them have their chances some may be rare and some may be easy to get ( Like a temp gun in the BM ) so you would just get doubles.

Make a bunch of them and let people create their own skins to be put in the crate for others to try to get.

Skins would only fit for the gun they got so if they got a skin for a M4 and they only got a AK well then they got an M4 skin and they would just have to spin again for a AK skin.

Guns like the VIP ones wouldn't get skins since they are their own gun.

Only plain guns can have skins so anything with camo or pink wouldn't have skins.

I just think this would just let me people spend their BP without getting nothing out of it and just get something that would look cool.

Since BP comes with ZP they would still buy ZP which means Z8 would still get their $$$ .

The crates should cost 500 BP.

( And no I don't want stickers in this game. )
