Coming soon: TB Gaming

Hey guys, this is Night_Blood here. Soon, I will make a new account. With that account I'm planning to make a new clan. The name will be TB Gaming (Terribad Gaming). Its not going to be some random noob clan trying to get rank 1. It will be a scrim clan. Invite only. Only pros. Scrim teams. Website. Ventrilo. I invite a person from each clan who think they are pro or they are pro to stand up. Come to my clan. I'm hoping to make a clan so good, they will be better than any scrim clan you can imagine. So all of you pros come on out and post here, try out a new clan. I hope to have a person from clans such as LifeLine, Trio, Paradox-, OriginaL-, and so on. So people, I dare you to come out and get ready to join what will be a new clan in a new age. We will beast all through 2010. Its a new year, and its time for a new reign of terror.

P.S. I'm not trying to be some corny weirdo with all the weird lines. I'm dead effing serious.
