My fellow players

Good day my fellow players.

As we all know, Crossfire has been declining in members over the past year/months.
I mainly think this is due to the fact that people from mainland Europe can't make a new auccount,

Since then i also have seen a increase in Arab players and other people from Turkey,Egypte etc.

As all of us i would like to make a few suggestions (that in my opinion) on how to 'improve' the game/ get it back to the old roots.

First of, Alot of new European players started CF EU.
I wasn't a big fan of this from the beginning, why not? U worked hard/spend allot of money on your current character on CF NA/UK. I am a player since 2009 and i am still able to play this version.
My first suggestion. Is it possible to make a import option to get your account from CF NA/UK to CF EU. this would mainly help the players that want to switch from na/uk to eu, but dont want to start all over again.

My second suggestion.

Give people from Europe the option again to make a account on the CF NA/UK version, i think this would increase the player base of the game,

As we all seen, allot of hackers have been around lately. I noticed allot of them are from the Arabic country's So it might not be a bad idea to get some Arabic speaking GM for ingame. This might seem stranger why i say this, but it might keeps them away from using illegal programs due to a gm speaking there language,

I would like to conclude my topic with this. I hope u guys agree with me, if u don't agree,
No problem. But i would appreciate it if u could tell me why u disagree with me.

I hope u all enjoy the rest of your CF days and see you in game.

P.S Excuse me for my bad English, it is my second language

Greetings from

Legoles ;)
