Armor-less rooms

Quick and easy thing to add, and i know a lot of people will like this, just have the ability to be able to make rooms on certain maps and under the restrictions such as "Headshot only" or "Sniper only".

Obviously people will complain about this, but people will always complain, and i think that the potential 'complaints' from implementing this definitely does not out weigh the complaints about not implementing it. It's very annoying to not be able to tell if people have armor or not, and causes a lot of un needed flaming back and forth towards players who do/don't have it equipped.

You can even go so far as to say this would benefit the professional scene, if there was an ability to set this option, not that there is any controversy currently, but you are limiting the potential of it happening.

It's not like we are removing armor? If other players want to play with armor they are welcome to make a room without it enabled, i mean this is getting technical here but if you're worried about there being too many rooms without it just limit the number of rooms that can have it enabled per channel, or just limit the maps it's able to be put on.

Here's an example, you can do the "Headshot only" mode on Ship, and on Arena, but no other TD maps? I mean that doesn't stop people from playing other TD maps though right? Do something along the lines of that.