Stuck while connecting to a channel or a room
Hello, I had this game before and I wanted to redownload it, but. when I get started and make myself a nickname it after I click on a server or a room it gets stuck, besides, if I didn't explain well, here it is: if I don't click on a server and a channel and a room and start it so fast it'll happen if I do it slow it will not happen, I've tested it. but its annoying I played one time and I restart game like 10 times.
-Thanks in advance!
-Thanks in advance!
32bit Windows 7
4GB ram
ATI Radeon 3000
AMD Athlon 2 X2 250 processor (3.00ghz)
And, like that but, I just got to click on a random room channel and server so fast so it works otherwise it won't work if I just search for the room I want.
I restarted the game like 10 times and it worked fine 1 time.
but not only at the server joining room and channel too. -
You can try this, it should work let me know if it helped you or not.
1.) Press the "Windows key" shortcut on your keyboard
2.) In the "search programs and files" section type "cmd"
3.) Run "cmd" as Administrator
4.)Type in "ipconfig /flushdns" without the quote marks
5.) Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.
6.) Type in "netsh winsock reset" without the quote marks
7.) Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.
8.) Make sure you restart your computer.
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