MENA Region Ban Plea!

If Toronto, Canada (where Smilegate West, Inc is located) wants to save the game from extinction/devastation then they will have to restrict at least new account creations from certain regions (like CF BR did to Egypt) accessing our NA/UK servers, its that simple. We sometimes have to compromise in life in order to do better & if this company wishes to prosper or last much longer, then that's what should be done, no exceptions.

Hackers are dominating the game as we speak & killing it real quick (which we are all aware of). 1 of several many signs that shows the game get worse is the popularity, we use to have around 7 or more full servers years ago but now we are even lucky we still get 2/15 really active servers (most left mainly due to cheats). It's obvious that exploit abusers are making their mark & leaving a huge negative effect in this game in many ways & they couldn't care less if this game shut down tomorrow, but we legit players do & we deserve better!

We have all discussed this topic many times before but people like me are persistent & keep bringing it up again because we have not seen any good reasons as of yet to why this company can't/won't remove certain regions from the 'License agreements' any-time soon. Thus we legit players demand this action to be done sometime in the nearby future. If our CF company wishes to not lose any further legit players & rather want to see numbers grow, then Admin's would do this deed passed on from Forums or other Staff, ASAP without hesitation.

I & most are not ignorant, we are aware that even if MENA Regions got restricted to NA/UK servers there would still be hackers around but we all know that there would be 'significantly less' & Staff would have less hassle to deal with banning hackers as there would be much less reports coming in, that to me & most means success.

To be fair, there are some legit players from MENA Regions thus they could be left playing in our version, respectively. Only future account creations should get restricted from accessing our servers. Then eradicate existing hackers from then on to accomplish a more fun experience for all who seek awesome & legit FPS gaming.

[GM]Juicebox has already posted this thread 2 months ago to inform us about this situation: Unfortunately, it doesn't explain any reasons why Egypt & other MENA Regions have to remain in the 'License Agreements' for now & I personally think they have no good excuses to only take action later/never rather than now/soon. Why let matters get worse when they can be dealt with sooner to prevent more damage.

Why do we have to let the 'hackers' win this battle over the legit players!?.. We deserve more control over in our NA/UK version like in other existing CF versions across the world, we should have the same right too. This is possible to achieve, we just have to plea & get more Forums Staff support & then Admin's just have to be willing to do it, once & for all for the sake of the game & it's reputation.

Thanks for reading, please support!
