[Announcement] Back 2 School Scavenger Hunt


Hello Everyone, (should maybe say Attention Mercenaries, as every official announcement starts this way)

Thank you for all your comments and feedback regarding the last Scavenger Hunt. Our first Scavenger Hunt this summer was very successful and lots of players were asking for a specific event ribbon.

For this event, players had to decipher clues to find out what their next task was in order to receive a reward. There were 7 tasks played during an 8 day period. In order to receive the ribbon, players had to complete all 7 tasks. Some players thought that if they finished only the final task they would receive the ribbon - this was not the case.

For a typical Scavenger Hunt, clues are used to make it difficult for players to find out the next task, and only players who solved the clue would know what to do for the next task. We are aware that the tasks/clues were shared on the internet. We cannot control clues/tasks being shared, thus we cannot be responsible for players receiving misinformation about the clues.

A few complications arose at the time of this event. Chief among these complications was clues/tasks being made public, which allowed players to jump into the event at whichever stage they chose, instead of at the very beginning. The event tracker was based on the assumption that players would keep the clues/tasks to themselves. As a result, the completion message was written for players that completed every stage of the event, from beginning to end. However, we agree that due to a mistake on our end, this message was shown to users who completed the last task regardless of whether they finished all the tasks or not, which was the main cause of confusion.

Some players were expressing concerns about the event tracker not tracking certain tasks that were time dependant. Unfortunately, the event tracker does not give results instantaneously, and is further delayed by any backend system updates. Players are more than welcome to keep track of their own progress with notes and replays if they do not want to depend on the event tracker to keep personal tabs on their own progress. The event tracker optimization is always in progress.

Events are created to engage the community, reward players, and create fun and excitement. We have taken your suggestions and feedback into consideration, and for future similar events, we will outline conditions thoroughly to ensure two things:
- That players will know exactly what they need in order to receive the rewards
- That we will be clear about when players will be disqualified from receiving rewards

As a one time exception, and as a gesture of goodwill, we have decided to add the ribbon ONLY to players who were only affected by certain duration requirements that were not clearly communicated.
You don’t have to send a request in order to receive this ribbon if you met the conditions outlined above.

Please be aware that we only use the play records from our database. We are not awarding any task rewards from this point onwards if the requirements were not met.

To be clear, we will not acknowledge any additional requests regarding this event. This is our final response to concerns regarding this event.

Thank You
CrossFire Team
