
Z8 should implement a sort of "guilt by association" system where vote kicks appear on replays. If a hacker was found on the replay and isn't kicked, then everyone who didn't propose a kickvote gets a 3 day ban on the hacker's team. This 3 day ban wouldn't build into a permanent ban, it would just be a 3 day ban.


  • (I assume you meant 'DOESNT propose a kickvote')

    A cheater might be extremely obvious in a replay when you're checking everyone, but someone playing in the room can be completely oblivious.
    Dun seem fair that the whole team should be punished just because they're new to CF/ignorant/doesn't care.
  • Gotta agree with Dot on this. You'd end up unfairly banning more players who were just ignorant of a cheater, than actual cheaters. People would then become paranoid over be banned for not kicking, which would result in a larger number of unfair kicks, and I don't think most 200 ping players in matches even bother voting, and are automatically counted as F12.

    But imagine the forum rage this would cause from people being banned from it?

    Either way, this system would end up punishing more people unfairly than actually improving the vote system. And when does Z8 view enough support tickets to have time to give out bans for voter misuse?
  • Thank you for pointing out that spelling mistake dot, but the reason why no one kicks hackers is because there are no repercussions. If we add a repercussion, then it will create an incentive for kicking hackers and not hacking. It's an idea to help create a clean community.