Solstice_ looking

Hey, I'm Solstice_ and I'm back to FPS after a year of absence. I'm beginning to get back to my old FPS abilities.

Basically I'm looking for a clan that can hold its own in scrims and calls strats. That can get serious when needed. Also, I'm looking to have a fun time winning or losing, so I would like a clan that motivates teammates rather than rage.

Age: 16
K/D: 2.8-2.9
Activity: Everyday most likely
Vent: Yes
Mic: Yes
Weapon: AWP preferably but can AK47
Team Position: Playing picks with occasional rush(AWP)
Can lead rushes or stay behind for flanks(AK47)
Strat caller if needed.
Past experience: Unreal Tournament(leagues and tournaments)
CS and CSS (Nothing major)
Combat Arms (clan server)

I'm excited to learn and improve my abilities. Hit me up on xfire(Solstice9) or message me ingame (Solstice_).
