Practicing accurate aiming/Sprays
First off, a lot of people are having a lot of issues regarding accuracy. The #1 rule for starting to learn to aim more accurate:
#1. Set your sensitivity to a manageable amount ( moderately )
#2. Change to the Cross-hair/Color that fits you best (Typically the x with the dot in center)
#3. Practice single shoting and bursting on targets a moderate distance away
#4. If your in immediate danger upclose, Alot of weapons have nice bullet spread for spraying if you choose to, But Burst firing is the best in this area of effect.
#5. As you practice burst firing/Single shoting you can start learning to aim for the head for fast and efficient kills. Personally the best guns I recommend single shoting/Burst shoting are with guns such as M4a1's, Ak-47's, and guns with heavy spread & Recoil ( My favorite being the KTR-Leather strap )
#6. The better you get the more people you can take out in one life and fend for yourself. Having this said, Search and destroy is the perfect mode for testing this and elimination.
Hopefully, This guide is helpful for those who are having issues with aiming. It can cause grief and frustration; keep trying your best and Fight well soldiers.
Regards, Killerkyle55
#1. Set your sensitivity to a manageable amount ( moderately )
#2. Change to the Cross-hair/Color that fits you best (Typically the x with the dot in center)
#3. Practice single shoting and bursting on targets a moderate distance away
#4. If your in immediate danger upclose, Alot of weapons have nice bullet spread for spraying if you choose to, But Burst firing is the best in this area of effect.
#5. As you practice burst firing/Single shoting you can start learning to aim for the head for fast and efficient kills. Personally the best guns I recommend single shoting/Burst shoting are with guns such as M4a1's, Ak-47's, and guns with heavy spread & Recoil ( My favorite being the KTR-Leather strap )
#6. The better you get the more people you can take out in one life and fend for yourself. Having this said, Search and destroy is the perfect mode for testing this and elimination.
Hopefully, This guide is helpful for those who are having issues with aiming. It can cause grief and frustration; keep trying your best and Fight well soldiers.
Regards, Killerkyle55
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