TSM vs SK Gaming


  • tsm vs shrc

    this is how i concluded the match

    dyrus vs cola both were in an even lane matchup until insec's rengar came into play
    insec vs amazing ; insec just showed the world what na was trying to re-create by playing rengar and completely dominated
    bjergsen vs corn ; bjergsen was the only lane to be winning until they brought this into teamfights where the zed pick was an obvious bait pick by shrc
    turtle + lust vs uzi + zero ; tsm's bot lane was clearly outclassed by shrc's botlane despite corki supposed to be having the advantage over tristana. this was shown by the cs lead near around 20 minutes where uzi was leading over turtle by around 100 cs
  • if you lose in cs that hard as a corki to trist at 25~ min, you know you are getting destroyed. asians 2stronK
  • if you lose in cs that hard as a corki to trist at 25~ min, you know you are getting destroyed. asians 2stronK

    well uzi is known for his laning prowess / mechanics

    just a little immature
  • tsm vs tpa

    all lanes were practically even despite the lane swap by tpa

    first mistake of tpa was that they did a 2 man dragon with windz really low which then let bjergsen (xerath) harass him down to 5% hp and amazing came in with the kill and smite steal. this also led to an ace across the map where achie tried to stop dyrus' tp with a flash lulu ult but this backfired and led to dyrus (rumble) ulting and forcing an all in in which rumble easily won this. meanwhile at bot lane bebe and jay took too much harass from kog maw r and led to a 2v2 all in which they lost as a tristana (note kog maw is god at all ins and poking) bjergsen shoved in mid wave and amazing later came in and dove morning

    what happened after was bebe (ad carry / shotcaller) basically split the entire game trying to hit late game trist which was pretty dumb because tsm just ****ing demolished turrets as a 5 man team and had pinks everywhere so windz couldnt rengar ult combo with orianna